Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

Study laundering: Retracted antivax studies resurrected in fake journals

Antivaxxers don’t like it when one of their crappy studies that they somehow managed to sneak into a decent peer-reviewed journal is deservedly retracted, as happened to Mark Skidmore’s paper that estimated that 278K people might have died from COVID-19 vaccines. Fortunately for Skidmore and others, there exist fake journals that will launder their study by republishing it so that antivaxxers can continue to claim the work has been published in a “peer-reviewed journal.”

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

RFK Jr. has a brainworm? This explains an awful lot

A New York Times article reports that in his divorce proceedings a decade ago, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. argued that hais earning potential had decreased because he had had a brainworm. This explains an awful lot.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

Vaccines and SIDS: Steve Kirsch amps up the stupid

Antivaxxers have long claimed that childhood vaccines cause sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Now “new school” antivaxxer Steve Kirsch has resurrected this hoary old lie using the thinnest of evidence plus a lot of handwaving.

Announcements Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Movies

Sign up for a virtual screening of “Virulent: The Vaccine War”

Science-Based Medicine is hosting a virtual screening of Virulent: The Vaccine War. Get your virtual ticket to stream it and be part of the Q&A with the filmmakers hosted by Drs. Gorski and Novella on Jan. 29?

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

The FLCCC bestows the fake title of “senior fellow” to twelve antivax quacks

The COVID-19 quacks and grifters at the FLCCC have named twelve quacks as “senior fellow,” the better to further antivax conspiracy theories and, of course, grift.