Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

The FLCCC bestows the fake title of “senior fellow” to twelve antivax quacks

The COVID-19 quacks and grifters at the FLCCC have named twelve quacks as “senior fellow,” the better to further antivax conspiracy theories and, of course, grift.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Movies

Shot Dead: A particularly disgusting piece of antivax propaganda

Here we go again with a new antivax propaganda film. Shot Dead is even more vile than pre-pandemic antivax films, full of antivax propaganda and exploitation of dead children.

Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Quackery

The WHO endorses quackery…even homeopathy!

A week ago, the World Health Organization held the First WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit this weekend. Unfortunately, its claims of being “evidence-based” aside, the conference followed the WHO’s usual pattern of serving as one-sided propaganda.

Naturopathy Quackery

Resurrecting old tropes about naturopathy

Way back in prepandemic times, naturopaths claimed that they could help with the shortage of primary care docs. They’re doing it again in 2023. They were wrong then and are wrong now.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Popular culture

Antivax nonsense about “PureBloods” endangers the lives of children

The antivax idea of “purebloods” is back and endangering a child’s life. Same as it ever was, unfortunately.