Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Jay Bhattacharya’s attack Chihuahua smears Orac for criticizing him and the Great Barrington Declaration

Hack conspiracy “journalist” and attack Chihuahua Paul Thacker defends Nominee for NIH Director, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, and his Great Barrington Declaration by rehashing the same old attacks on its critics. I appear to be living rent-free in their heads.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Has RFK Jr. betrayed the antivax movement?

Yesterday, I woke up to see an amazing op-ed in which longtime antivaxxer and now HHS Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. issued a call to action that included the MMR vaccine. Has he gone pro-vax? Not exactly, but it’s amusing to watch his fans howl.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Science

RFK Jr.’s MAHA Commission: A battle plan to dismantle federal science and health

Longtime antivax activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was confirmed as HHS Secretary and promptly formed a “MAHA Commission” to draw up a battle plan to dismantle federal science and public health.

Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment can kill

On Friday, a hyperbaric oxygen chamber exploded, killing a five-year-old child being treated at an “integrative” clinic. Quackery kills.

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine

Is it safe to watch DCIS rather than remove it?

Ductal carcinoma in situ is a precursor of breast cancer that is usually treated with surgery, radiation therapy, and estrogen blockade. A new study (COMET) suggests that watchful waiting might be safe for low risk DCIS.