Complementary and alternative medicine Integrative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Quoth an “integrative” functional medicine doc: “I’m not a quack, I’m an early adopter”

Functional medicine practitioner Dr. Melinda Ring thinks that she should be considered an “early adopter” instead of a quack. However, being an “early adopter” of quackery is not something to be admired.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Popular culture Television

Bill Maher: Antivax transphobe or transphobic antivaxxer? You be the judge!

Last Friday, Bill Maher went full transphobe, repurposing old antivax trope commonly used to deny a predominantly genetic component to autism and claim vaccine causation in order to mock the idea that there is a biological basis to being transgender and claim its prevalence is increasing now because it’s “trendy.”

Medicine Naturopathy Politics Religion Science

What do licensing naturopaths and banning abortion have in common?

The Supreme Court’s striking down Roe v. Wade and the subsequent abortion bans it enabled remind me very much of naturopathic licensure laws. They’re both based on pseudoscience and ideology.

Bad science Medicine Politics Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery

The Brogan-Ji brain trust says “Wake up, sheeple!” over COVID-19

Kelly Brogan and fellow conspiracy theorists Sayer Ji and Ali Zeck liken submission to public health measures for COVID-19 to childhood trauma and the Stockholm syndrome. What they’re really saying is, “Wake up, sheeple!

Bad science Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Quackery

Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi: Promoting dangerously bogus pseudo-epidemiology about COVID-19

Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi own a chain of urgent care centers in Bakersfield, CA. Last week they became fake experts in COVID-19 spreading dangerous misinformation based on an incompetent analysis of testing data from their clinics.