Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

DMED: Another database abused by antivaxxers

Antivaxxers have found another health database to abuse, DMED, to falsely claim that COVID-19 vaccines cause all sorts of horrible things.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Physicians are their own worst enemies with respect to misinformation

A recent study found that physicians and scientists who are perceived as “experts” are prevalent within the antivax community and more influential because of their status as physicians and scientists. Why do physicians continue to tolerate antivax quacks within our ranks?

Bad science Cancer Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Mark Sircus: MMS (bleach) for COVID “vaccine-induced cancer”

Mark Sircus is a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner who’s now promoting MMS (bleach) for COVID-19 “vaccine-induced cancer.”

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics

“Debate me” bros in the age of COVID-19 disinformation

Quacks, science deniers, and conspiracy theorists love to challenge doctors, scientists, and science communicators to “live public debates” over the science they deny. I just say no, and you should say no too if you are in a position to receive such a challenge.