Jeannette Breen, a certified nurse-midwife, sold homeopathic nosodes as routine childhood vaccinations and got a slap on the wrist for fraud.

Jeannette Breen, a certified nurse-midwife, sold homeopathic nosodes as routine childhood vaccinations and got a slap on the wrist for fraud.
Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers has COVID-19. He claimed to be “immunized,” but it turns out that he had used a “homeopathic immunization” instead of a real COVID-19 vaccine. Surprise! It didn’t work.
As hard as it is for me to believe, I’ve been writing about homeopathy for more than a decade now. Regular readers, of course, know that homeopathy is quackery, utter pseudoscience based on prescientific vitalism based on two “laws”: the Law of Similars and the Law of Infinitesimals. The former states that, to relieve a […]
Aside from deconstructing the misinformation and pseudoscience of the antivaccine movement, another of the top three or so topics I routinely discuss here is the infiltration of pseudoscience into medicine. In particular, I’ve found and discussed more examples than I can possibly remember of what I like to call quackademic medicine, defined as the infiltration […]