Complementary and alternative medicine Naturopathy Politics Quackery

The insinuation of naturopathic quackery into law

If there’s one thing that practitioners of pseudoscientific medicine crave more than anything else, it’s respectability. Believing that science-based medicine is corrupt and that their woo is as good or better, they delude themselves into thinking that they can function as well or better than primary care doctors practice and therefore should be given the […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Two sad stories about the state of medicine

Medical therapies should be based upon science. That is a recurrent theme, indeed, the major theme, of this blog. Based on that simple thesis, I’ve spent the last decade examining “unconventional” treatments and evaluating the scientific basis (or, much more usually, the lack of a scientific basis) for various treatments. Yes, I’ve looked at other […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Naturopathy Quackery

Naturopathic cancer treatments versus reality

Well, I’m back. It’s always a bit weird to try to get back into the swing of things after even just a week off and even when during that week I didn’t actually stop blogging but merely slowed down a lot and succeeded (mostly) in restricting what little blogging I did to brief posts. (Yes, […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Integrative medicine Medicine Quackery Religion

Anthroposophic medicine at the University of Michigan? Say it ain’t so!

Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophic medicine quackery at the University of Michigan, my alma mater? Say it ain’t so!

Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Surgery

Naturopathy invades the heartland

Many are the times I’ve referred to homeopathy as The One Quackery To Rule Them All. Because homeopathic remedies diluted greater than 12 C (12 serial hundred-fold dilutions) have been diluted more than Avagadro’s number, they are incredibly unlikely to have even a single molecule of starting compound in them. That makes them water. Given […]