Announcements Autism Pseudoscience

Why not just castrate them?

There are many quack treatments for autism, ranging from the benign and ineffective to the harmful and ineffective. Mark and David Geier have come up with one that’s definitely harmful, chemical castration. I thought I’d seen it all, but this is the vilest quackery I’ve seen yet.

Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

Bird flu weirdness

What is it about the Avian flu that seems to inspire all sorts of wild craziness? Yes, the avian flu has the potential to be a big problem in humans (but is not one yet–so far its main lethal affect has been in birds). Yes, if it ever acquired the ability to be transmitted from […]

Holocaust denial Politics

Stomping free speech flat in Austria

Austrian prosecutors think Irving’s jail term is too short: Austrian prosecutors have filed an appeal against the three-year prison sentence handed to the British historian David Irving, arguing that he escaped too lightly for the crime of Holocaust denial. Irving was left stunned and open-mouthed when the sentence was handed down after a one-day trial […]


Grand Rounds, vol. 2, no. 22

Now that my technical problems have resolved, it’s time to do what I do every week and plug the latest edition of Grand Rounds. It’s a blog carnival that’s like Grand Rounds for medical blogging (hence the name), and it collects the best of the medical blogosphere from the last week. I’m a regular contributor […]

Blog housekeeping

Technical issues (again)

Although the most serious blog problems (such as my not being able to post) appear to be resolved, that doesn’t mean that everything is peaches and cream here at ScienceBlogs. Apparently the servers have been getting slammed by spammers attempting to deluge us with comment spam. Consequently, we have all been asked to tighten our […]