Bad science Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

The New York Times goes all in on “lab leak”

Earlier this week, the New York Times op-ed page ran an article by Alina Chan, Queen of lab leak conspiracy theories. How is it wrong? Let me count the ways…

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Popular culture

The New York Times flubs it discussing COVID-19 vaccine injury

A poorly framed article on people who believe they suffered vaccine injury is being trumpeted by antivaxxers. The New York Times definitely flubbed it this time.

Clinical trials Medicine Popular culture

Didier Raoult in the NYT: The “brave maverick” narrative and bypassing science-based medicine

Didier Raoult is back, with a huge profile in the New York Times. Unfortunately, much is left out out of the profile of this “brave maverick,” even as evidence mounts against hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19.

Medicine Popular culture Pseudoscience Quackery Television

Jennifer Block and Elisa Albert in the NYT: “Misogyny and the patriarchy are why skeptics attack Goop!”

Jennifer Block and Elisa Albert defend the quackery and pseudoscience and quackery sold by Goop by accusing its critics of misogyny and engaging in whataboutism. It does not go well.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

Dr. David Brownstein versus the New York Times on vaccines

Dr. David Brownstein is a local “holistic medicine” doctor. Unhappy at a pro-vaccine New York Times editorial, he tried to refute it. It didn’t go well—for Dr. Brownstein. His self-own was epic.