Early in the pandemic, America’s Frontline Doctors made a splash promoting hydroxychloroquine. They then turned to running an ivermectin prescription mill. Now they’re suing each other. It’s always about the grift.

Early in the pandemic, America’s Frontline Doctors made a splash promoting hydroxychloroquine. They then turned to running an ivermectin prescription mill. Now they’re suing each other. It’s always about the grift.
Hawkers of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and other “miracle cures” for COVID-19 are just like snake oil salesmen going back to time immemorial. Sure, many, if not most, of them believe in their quackery, but it’s also always about the grift.
Earlier this week, the Wall Street Journal published an editorial claiming that the sequence CGGCGG in SARS-CoV-2 means that the coronavirus must be engineered. It’s utter nonsense.
When it comes to pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, quackery, and antivaccine nonsense, remember that, very frequently, it’s all about the grift. Even when it’s not, the grift inevitably takes over.