Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Quackery

No, homeopathy didn't cure you

As you’ve probably figured out, I like testimonials. Well, maybe “like’ is the wrong world. I’m interested in them, something that goes way, way back into the deepest, darkest mists of blog time, as my earliest “epic” post was about alternative cancer cure testimonials. With that post as a start, I’ve come back to the […]

Antivaccine nonsense Cancer Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Quackery

The key difference between alternative medicine and evidence-based medicine

Recently, I got an e-mail from someone who had just discovered my blog that made me think a bit, which is usually a good thing. At least, in this case it was. Basically, this reader asked me a question I hadn’t been asked in a very long time and hadn’t thought about in a very […]

Bioethics Biology Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Quackery

The “myth” of placebo effects

Heidi Stevenson amuses me. The reasons are legion. Be it the time when Heidi lectured scientists on anecdotal evidence (which she values far more highly than scientists, of course, declaring it the “basis of all knowledge”); launched a vile and nonsensical attack on Stephen Barrett; argued against prior plausibility with using a straw man argument […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Quackery

Cancer quack Robert O. Young is arrested and arraigned, but will he be convicted?

Being a cancer surgeon and researcher, naturally I tend to write about cancer a lot more than other areas of medicine and science. It’s what I know best. Also, cancer is a very common area for unscientific practices to insinuate themselves, something that’s been true for a very long time. The ideas don’t change very […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Quackery

Quoth David Katz: Don’t abandon patients. Abandon science instead.

Dr. David L. Katz is apparently unhappy with me. You remember Dr. Katz, don’t you? If you don’t, I’ll remind you momentarily. If you do, you won’t be surprised. Let me explain a bit first how Dr. Katz recently became aware of me again. A couple of weeks ago, I posted a short (for me) […]