Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

Wake up, Sheeple! Or how a dubious sheep study is being spun by antivaxers

A group of Spanish veterinary researchers claim that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines make sheep sick. To prove it, they injected a small number of sheep with massive amounts of adjuvants and vaccines and did a whole lot of comparisons, including behavioral observations with a large subjective component. Surprise! They think they’ve found something. Less surprising, the antivaxers like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are pointing to the study as evidence of how dangerous vaccines are.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics Popular culture

Antivaccine physicians like Dr. Lawrence Palevsky should all lose their medical licenses

Dr. Larry Palevsky is an antivaccine pediatrician who thinks vaccines don’t work and cause autism. Most recently, he spoke to a large audience of Orthodox Jews in Rockland County, NY, where there is a major measles outbreak that his misinformation didn’t help. What can be done about antivax doctors?

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

The benefits of vaccinating against measles go beyond preventing measles (2019 edition)

It’s indisputable that vaccines protect against specific infectious diseases. What’s less well known is how a vaccine like the measles vaccine protects against more than just measles.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Bioethics Medicine Politics

A belated Fourth of July antivaccine rant about “zero tolerance vaccine laws,” courtesy of Barbara Loe Fisher

It may be two days after the 4th of July, but it’s never too late to deconstruct a holiday-inspired antivaccine rant about “zero tolerance vaccine laws” by the grand dame of the antivaccine movement.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Vaccine advocate Blima Marcus learns the hard way just how low antivaxers will go

An advanced practice nurse gave an antivaccine rant posted to Facebook. Or did she? All is not as an antivaxer wants you to believe it is. At least so it appears.