Biology Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Politics Science Skepticism/critical thinking

How much science matters to the average American?

Heard on the radio this morning, a commenter responding to a radio talk show host’s pointing out to him that Mike Huckabee doesn’t accept evolution as valid. This is as close as I can remember what he said, but the gist is correct: We disagree on that. But not believing in evolution is something I […]

Biology Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Michael Medved: Evolution scholar…

…apparently, that’s what the Discovery Institute thinks, as William Dembski proudly announces, for reasons that escape me: Michael Medved, nationally syndicated talk radio host and bestselling author, has joined the Discovery Institute in the role of senior fellow. The position cements a longstanding friendship and recognizes a commonality of values and projects across a spectrum […]

Biology Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking Television

Judgment day on intelligent design

Today’s the day, everyone. I haven’t mentioned this before, but the documentary on the trial over the teaching of “intelligent design” creationism in the classroom in Dover, Pennsylvania two years ago is set to premiere on your local PBS station tonight at 8 PM. The Nova documentary, Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial, already has […]

Biology Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Science Skepticism/critical thinking

An intelligent design advocate asks: What should life look like? (The argument from “completeness”)

I was half-tempted to e-mail this one to P. Z. or Larry Moran, but my inherently merciful nature got the better of me. Because it was so idiotic, I was afraid that, after P. Z. and his regular readers got through with it (or even worse for this poor ID advocate, Larry Moran), there wouldn’t […]

Biology Humor News of the Weird Science

Friday night freak out: That bird can really get down!

Although his taste in music is questionable at best, Snowball the Cockatoo definitely knows how to get down and get funky. I can’t say I’ve ever seen anything like this before. Now maybe if we introduced Snowball to some old Parliament-Funkadelic. Tear the roof off the sucker, Snowball, and give up the funk!