Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Word to Steve Kirsch: The 1990s called. They want their antivax lies about shaken baby syndrome back

In another example of how, in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, everything antivax that was old is new again, Steve Kirsch is claiming that vaccine cause something like shaken baby syndrome, an old antivax trope used to exonerate baby killers.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

“Poor, poor pitiful me”: Was Martin Kulldorff fired by Harvard?

Martin Kulldorff, co-author of the eugenicist Great Barrington Declaration that advocated a “let ‘er rip” strategy to address the pandemic to achieve “natural herd immunity,” laments being “fired” from Harvard. Is it possible to know what really happened? Orac provides educated speculation. (NOTE ADDENDUM.)

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Popular culture

Cureus retracted his article, and now Steve Kirsch is suing

Cureus retracted a misinformation-packed paper. Now Steve Kirsch and its authors are threatening to sue for $250 million. Hilarity quickly ensued.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

The hypervaccinated man who should be dead (according to antivaxxers)

A man “hypervaccinated” with 217 COVID-19 vaccines has been in the news lately. According to antivaxxers, he should be dead (or in bad shape), but he’s doing fine.

Antivaccine nonsense

The antivax bizarro world view of vaccine safety studies

Antivaxxers have weaponized a huge multinational vaccine safety study of 99 million patient records that found rare adverse events and concluded that the risks of COVID-19 vaccines outweigh the benefits. How? A combination of the Nirvana fallacy and spin.