Announcements Blog housekeeping

A little mid-vacation housekeeping…

So far, our vacation has been going quite well. We’ve hit two European cities, with today and tomorrow left where I am now and then on to the last one on Tuesday. Obviously, I haven’t been paying nearly as much attention to this blog (or political news out of the US) as I normally do. […]

Announcements Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Personal

Leaving on a jet plane…I do know when I’ll be back again

Orac finds it necessary and desirable to take a break to contemplate a black hole and recharge his Tarial cells. Here’s what will happen in his absence (not much).

Announcements Blog housekeeping Blogging Medicine

On a (hopefully) brief temporary involuntary blog break

It takes a lot to stop Orac from applying Insolence to pseudoscience and quackery. One of the biggest windstorms in his lifetime did it. No jokes about wind.

Announcements Medicine Music

Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and Happy New Year

To all those who come here regularly for a dose of Insolence, Respectful or otherwise, skepticism and science, best holiday wishes for whatever end-of-year holidays you might celebrate. I’ll probably be on a less intensive blogging schedule until after the New Year, depending on things go (sometimes, even between Christmas and New Years, something happens […]

Announcements Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

DĂ©jĂ  vu all over again, or: Orac goes, “D’oh!”

I don’t know if other bloggers out there have experienced anything like this, but I’ve experienced this a few times since starting this blog. Last night I started writing about an article that—or so I thought— was the perfect distillation of the message of the NCCIH and its desire to co-opt nonpharmacological treatments for pain […]