Months before emergency use authorizations (EUAs) were granted by the FDA for vaccines against COVID-19, starting with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and then continuing with the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccines, those of us who’ve been following and trying to counter the antivaccine movement predicted that antivaxxers would publicize and weaponize reports of death and adverse events after COVID-19 vaccines to give the impression that the vaccines are dangerous. By the end of January, our predictions had come true even more blatantly than I had expected, as I discussed this technique three months ago and why it is deceptive. The first time I had noted this technique of antivaccine messaging was actually as far back as December, when antivaxxers were publicizing reports of Bell’s palsy and syncope within days after the Pfizer vaccine had been released under an EUA. It’s a technique that continued with claims based on VAERS that COVID-19 vaccines cause heart attacks and sudden cardiac deaths, with these sorts of claims being central to messaging by antivaccine activist Del Bigtree. None of these reports demonstrated causation, but that didn’t stop antivaxxers from publicizing them. Then, when the FDA issued a pause for the J&J vaccine based on (at the time) one-in-a-million reports to VAERS of a rare type of blood clot, reports that the FDA and CDC took very seriously, antivaxxers predictably went wild over it, even though the risk-benefit ratio of the vaccine was still deemed to be favorable.
So why am I addressing this topic again? Simple. It’s a narrative that hasn’t gone away. Worse, it’s grown in the three months since I last wrote about it. At the extreme end of the antivax hysteria is, as one might expect, Mike Adams at proclaiming a week ago, VACCINE HOLOCAUST now accelerating: VAERS data show nearly 4,000% increase in vaccine deaths in 2021 (so far) vs. the entire year of 2020. (I’ll give Adams credit for understanding that the word “data” is plural.) Another example of this particular antivaccine messaging comes from a recent article in The Liberty Sentinel, COVID vaccines killing huge numbers, warns leading doctor. The doctor is someone I hadn’t actually heard of before, Dr. Peter McCullough. On the more “reasonable” end of this narrative (in actuality, “reasonable”-seeming from an antivaccine activist who tries his best to deny that he’s antivaccine and portray himself as “fiercely provaccine”), there’s Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s “freelance reporter” Megan Redshaw proclaiming on his antivaccine “news” site The Defender, Reported Vaccine Injuries Continue to Climb, Pfizer Seeks Full Approval for COVID Vaccine. It’s a story Redshaw seems to be “updating” every week, when new VAERS reports are released.
Peter McCullough, Mike Adams, RFK Jr., and the big lie
Before I discuss why this narrative is deceptive, it helps to give you a taste of it, first from Dr. McCullough:
Under normal circumstances, 50 deaths reported to the CDC’s VAERS surveillance system would result in a drug being taken off market immediately.
In the case of the COVID shots, however, thousands of deaths have already been reported, and yet the mass vaccination programs continue to be pushed.
Dr. McCullough, a professor of medicine who developed a globally acclaimed and highly successful COVID treatment protocol, also emphasized that there have been many unnecessary deaths as a result of policy decisions made at various levels of government.
Naturally, there’s a video, and naturally it’s on Rumble, the video site where cranks migrated after YouTube and Facebook started cracking down on COVID-19 and antivaccine misinformation and disinformation:
I was curious about the claim in the article that Dr. McCullough is the “doctor with the most citations in the National Library of Medicine on these topics”. Which topics, I wondered upon first reading that, a question that was answered by the last paragraph regarding his allegedly having developed a “globally acclaimed and highly successful COVID treatment protocol”. A quick PubMed search revealed that he does indeed have 38 publications related to COVID-19 in the peer-reviewed literature. That jogged my memory a bit. It turns out that Dr. McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center. (More on him in a moment.)
Now let’s hear Mike Adams’ version of it. He starts out, as he often does, trying to seem reasonable:
According to government data published at, just 82 people died in 2020 after being vaccinated. But so far in 2021, there are 3,317 deaths that have been reported following covid-19 vaccinations.
That’s an increase of nearly 4000%, and we’re barely into the second quarter of 2021 (versus the entire year of 2020).
Less than half of the US population has been vaccinated so far, which means as that number increases, the deaths will increase, too. If this trend continues, we are likely to see somewhere between 12,000, – 15,000 post-vaccine deaths reported to the VAERSsystem by the end of calendar 2021.
Then, as Adams nearly always does, he goes right off the deep end:
My well-educated guess is that right now, covid-19 vaccines have likely killed around 50,000 Americans. This puts the covid vaccine on par with the number of Americans killed in the entire Vietnam War. That makes sense because the vaccine industry is waging war on humanity, and by the time they’re done, they hope to exterminate billions.
This number is likely to exceed 250,000 by the end of this year, putting vaccine atrocities in the category of being, as Tucker Carlson said last night, “The single deadliest mass vaccination event in modern history.”
We are witnessing a vaccine holocaust being inflicted upon humanity, and no one is allowed to say that anyone has suffered any harm whatsoever from the vaccine. To do so gets you banned, blacklisted and smeared. If you happen to be particularly effective at telling the truth about this vaccine holocaust, you will be named, doxxed and targeted by a complicit media that now works as the propaganda enforcement arm of the medical mafia.
He also mischaracterizes an article by vaccine researcher and advocate Peter Hotez:
As I just wrote about yesterday, NATURE has published an article by a deranged pediatrician in Texas who is essentially demanding United Nations shock troops hunt down and silence all “anti-vaxxers” around the world, using “counteroffensive” measures and anti-terrorism enforcement squads armed with weapons.
Unsurprisingly, Dr. Hotez wrote nothing of the sort, as his article, “COVID vaccines: time to confront anti-vax aggression” clearly shows. Basically, Dr. Hotez advocated countering online antivaccine disinformation with a combination of cyber security, law enforcement, public education, and international relations. In response, Mike Adams launched a campaign of harassment against him, including publishing his work email address and phone numbers:
Meanwhile, over at RFK Jr.’s antivaccine propaganda website:
The number of reports of injuries and deaths following COVID vaccines continues to rise, according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.
Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 30, a total of 157,277 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 3,837 deaths — an increase of 293 over the previous week — and 16,014 serious injuries, up 2,467 since last week.
So let’s take a look at this claim. Unsurprisingly, the answers to this particular antivaccine talking point will be similar to the ones I gave before three months ago, but with a somewhat different emphasis.
Dr. Peter McCullough: An MD/MPH who promotes quackery and doesn’t know how VAERS works
Let’s start with Dr. McCullough’s video. There are a number of red flags. First, it’s noted on the Rumble page for his video that the website he “mentions is” Regular readers will remember AAPS as, basically, the John Birch Society of “medical societies,” basically an astroturf right wing science denialist organization disguised as a legitimate academic medical society that has a long history of promoting antivaccine misinformation (including providing a platform for Andrew Wakefield) and, now, COVID-19 disinformation, that basically loves Dr. McCullough’s protocol, which, of course, involves hydroxychloroquine, the Black Knight of COVID-19 treatments that evidence just can’t seem to kill. Unsurprisingly, he is presented as a Brave Maverick Doctor speaking Truth to power. Similarly unsurprisingly, he cannot cite any randomized double blind clinical trials (RCTs) to support his protocol, instead relying on the excuse that all Brave Maveric Doctors (like Stanislaw Burzynski) use that they “can’t” do the RCTs. In his case, it was because the pandemic hit so fast. Oddly enough, there have now been quite a few RCTs of various COVID-19 treatments proposed early in the pandemic, and equally unsurprisingly, the vast majority of them have been negative. Similarly, he excuses those studies showing that single drugs don’t work, saying that you have to use “multiple drugs” as in HIV. Of course, what he neglects to mention is that in general multidrug cocktails contain drugs each of which does have some single agent activity. You can’t just throw together drugs that don’t work and expect that they will work, and, as Dr. Vincent Iannelli explains, they don’t work.
Of course, what Dr. McCullough claims to have done is to “leverage” small clinical trials and observational studies; too bad he didn’t do the RCTs of his cocktail, which, given the rapidly fatal course of severe COVID-19, would, contrary to his claim, not take “years” to get results from. Finally like all Brave Mavericks, Dr. McCullough claims that the reason his protocol isn’t widely accepted and publicized isn’t because it doesn’t work, but rather because the press and government regulatory agencies are either ignoring or “suppressing” news of it, even as he cited a “home treatment guide” published by—you guessed it!—AAPS. Basically, his protocol includes one FDA-accepted drug, Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody cocktail that was issued an EUA, followed by vitamins (of course!), steroids (another drug that works) and—also of course!—hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc, and azithromycin, none of which have been shown to work. Come to think of it, he’s very much like Stanislaw Burzynski, mixing the unproven with the weakly proven and claiming without evidence to have “saved thousands of lives” and claims he could have saved 50-85% of the lives lost to COVID-19. Again, there’s no solid evidence to support any of these claims. I will give him one point. He’s not entirely wrong that the US has decided to emphasize vaccination as the answer to the pandemic, but he also dismisses masking and social distancing as having been overemphasized.
Next up, Dr. McCullough resurrects a common trope about the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials by pointing out the low percentage of patients who got COVID-19 in the trials, dismissing the trials because of that while ignoring that the studies had been powered with the expectation that a low percentage of participants would be diagnosed with COVID-19. Basically, in the video he’s rehashing the same dubious arguments made by Peter Doshi in January to claim that the actual efficacy of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is much lower than the clinical trials found. And, as antivaxxers often do, Dr. McCullough misunderstands VAERS.
He also invokes a comparison beloved of antivaxxers, the 1976 swine flu vaccine, which was associated with a rare incidence of Guillan-Barré syndrome, which is a canard. Basically, antivaxxers claim that the program was killed after 500 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome and 25 deaths, except that the evidence of association with the vaccine was unclear and there was no transmission of H1N1, leading the CDC to end the program early. As noted by the CDC:
As of 1976, >50 “antecedent events” had been identified in temporal relationship to GBS, events that were considered as possible factors in its cause. The list included viral infections, injections, and “being struck by lightning.” Whether or not any of the antecedents had a causal relationship to GBS was, and remains, unclear. When cases of GBS were identified among recipients of the swine flu vaccines, they were, of course, well covered by the press. Because GBS cases are always present in the population, the necessary public health questions concerning the cases among vaccine recipients were “Is the number of cases of GBS among vaccine recipients higher than would be expected? And if so, are the increased cases the result of increased surveillance or a true increase?” Leading epidemiologists debated these points, but the consensus, based on the intensified surveillance for GBS (and other conditions) in recipients of the vaccines, was that the number of cases of GBS appeared to be an excess.
Had H1N1 influenza been transmitted at that time, the small apparent risk of GBS from immunization would have been eclipsed by the obvious immediate benefit of vaccine-induced protection against swine flu. However, in December 1976, with >40 million persons immunized and no evidence of H1N1 transmission, federal health officials decided that the possibility of an association of GBS with the vaccine, however small, necessitated stopping immunization, at least until the issue could be explored.
See the difference? In 1976, there was no transmission of H1N1 going on and a question of whether the H1N1 vaccine being used at the time had an association with Guillain-Barré syndrome. Under such circumstances, it was hard to argue for continuing the vaccination campaign. Fast forward 45 years, and we still have widespread community transmission of COVID-19, with the overall death toll approaching 600K in the US alone. It’s an entirely different situation.
Dr. McCullough is also shockingly ignorant of how VAERS works. He claims that only a health care worker can access the system and that a patient or a loved one has to contact a physician or health care worker to enter a report. That is completely wrong. Indeed, one of the complaints about VAERS is that anybody—and I do mean anybody—can enter a report. It is this openness that is simultaneously one of VAERSgreatest strengths and weaknesses. It’s a weakness in that this openness allows for gaming of the system, as lawyers for parents seeking to sue vaccine manufacturers for autism as a “vaccine injury” did 15 years ago. Seriously, this is an error huge enough to make me wonder about everything else, in particular whether he got his MPH out of a cereal box. This guy has an MPH and doesn’t know (or didn’t bother to find out) how VAERS actually works and that there are other vaccine safety monitoring systems other than VAERS? The only reaction I can think of is:

Naturally, there’s a conspiracy theory to go along with Dr. McCullough’s claims. Citing his experience on data safety monitoring committees, Dr. McCullough claims that it would have been “impossible” for the FDA and CDC to evaluate the first 1,600 deaths reported to VAERS and conclude that they were unrelated to the vaccines. As a result, according to him, there was a “scrubbing” of reports of death to VAERS. You’d think that someone with an MPH would understand the concept of rapid cycling analysis, which allows near real-time surveillance of possible adverse events after vaccination (or other medical interventions). Naturally, according to him, this “scrubbing” is taking place with the collusion of the press, specifically the Trusted News Initiative, which is in reality a program to combat the spread of harmful antivaccine disinformation.
The list of bogus claims and errors only accelerates from there. I’ll deal mainly with the ones unique to him and then in the next section deal with the claims common to the “Vaccine Holocaust” narrative. Here are just a few of the many bits of misinformation and disinformation spread by Dr. McCullough:
- He claims that a vaccine trial in Australia was stopped because participants developed false positive HIV tests because “parts of the [mRNA?] code that were attempted to be used in an Australian vaccine turned HIV tests positive.” It turns out that antibodies generated by the vaccine did lead to some false positive HIV results but no HIV was ever found to be present. The reason for this is that short sequences coding for peptides that resemble peptides in HIV proteins are very common in genes coding for various other proteins, including in genes found in coronaviruses. This is basically a claim similar to that made by Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier, who should know better but apparently does not.
- If you really don’t want to be viewed as antivaccine, you really shouldn’t misinterpret the Nuremberg Code, as Dr. McCullough did. Antivaxxers love to claim that vaccine mandates violate the Nuremberg Code because they “violate informed consent”. They do not.
- He also states that 60-70% of new COVID-19 cases occur in people who have already been vaccinated against COVID-19. Wrong.
- And, of course, Dr. McCullough believes that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, is an “engineered virus” that escaped from a lab, just as our Nobel Laureate turned antivaxxer and homeopathy believer Luc Montagnier does. There is no evidence that this virus was “engineered,” and this has been known for over a year now. This claim of a “plandemic” has been a conspiracy theory for a little over a year now, with claims of an “engineered” virus having arisen months before that.
You get the idea. Basically, Dr. McCullough should have stuck to cardiology and renal disease, the two areas for which he was known prior to the pandemic that led him, as he characterized it in the video, to completely reorient the focus of his academic career. I guess the opportunity for grift and conspiracy theories was too much for him to resist.
“Vaccine Holocaust,” or: How to frighten with large numbers
Let’s get back to a core claim in this narrative, namely that the number of deaths reported to VAERS since the mass vaccination campaign with COVID-19 vaccines began in mid-December means that the vaccines are causing a “vaccine holocaust”. Sure, Dr. McCullough didn’t use that word, but Mike Adams and others aren’t so reserved, and the article featuring the interview with Dr. McCullough was titled “COVID vaccine killing huge numbers, warns leading doctor“. The numbers used by different antivaxxers vary depending on the date of their publication and the dates of the specific VAERS reports they cite. The exact numbers aren’t as important as the understanding that antivaxxers are ignoring a very important aspect of any comparison like the “4,000% increase in deaths” narrative – a narrative found not just on, but on antivax social media and websites all over the internet.
So let me repeat what I said three months ago: Whenever you see these sorts of numbers, two questions should come straight to you mind right away. The first is: What’s the denominator? The second is: What is the baseline rate for such adverse events in the population studied? To that I would add a third question: How many deaths occur during the same span of time, absent the intervention? In other words, in a four and a half month period, how many people would normally be expected to die, regardless of the cause? Finally, if you want to get really granular, you can break it down by age. However, a simple, rough, “back of the envelope” calculation will suffice to show how innumerate antivaxxers are when they make this claim about VAERS. But before we do that, let’s take a look at another number. How many people have died of COVID-19 in the US in that same four and a half month period? According to Johns Hopkins, as of May 1, there were approximately 575,000 deaths recorded, compared with around 300,000 in mid-December, meaning that ~275,000 people have died of COVID-19 over the last 4 months.
So how many people die of all causes every year? The CDC states that the yearly number of deaths in the US in 2019 was 2,854,838, for a rate of 869.7 deaths per 100,000 population. In brief, less than 1% of the US population dies every year, and immediately before the pandemic around 7,821 people died each and every day. In a four and a half month period (137 days from December 14, 2020 to April 30, 2021), then, we’d expect there to be approximately 1.07 million deaths, or a rate of approximately 326 per 100,000 population. That’s a lot of deaths. Suddenly, the figure of ~4,000 deaths since mid-December reported to VAERS doesn’t seem like such a big number, does it?
Let’s continue, though. How many people got at least one dose of one of the vaccines during that time period? As of April 30, it was 144.9 million people. In any given random population of 144.9 million people in the US during a given four and a half month period, we’d expect to see ~472,374 deaths. Again, those are big numbers. If we divide by the 137 days encompassed by December 14, 2020 to April 30, 2021, then in such a population we would expect to see 3,448 deaths each and every day during that time period, leaving aside any other sources of excess death.
Of course, this is a “back of the envelope” calculation, and I know that the sharp readers out there will immediately point out that it can be misleading to average all these vaccines over the entire four and a half month period. After all, early in the period, relatively few vaccines were being administered compared to the latter part of the period, when the vaccination campaign had been ramped up to truly impressive levels, and then, more recently, falling off again as the average daily vaccination rate fell from its peak level. Naturally, as a result, one would expect that reports to VAERS would start out slowly, as vaccination started out slowly, and then accelerate as the pace of vaccination picked up. So let’s go back to RFK Jr.’s numbers, in particular this part:
Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 30, a total of 157,277 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 3,837 deaths — an increase of 293 over the previous week — and 16,014 serious injuries, up 2,467 since last week.
I interpret this as meaning that, according to RFK Jr., there were 293 deaths reported to VAERS during the last week of April. That sounds like a large number, particularly when, averaged out, it translates to 41.9 deaths per day. But is it? How many people received COVID-19 vaccines that week? By subtracting the April 23 statistic from the April 30 statistic, I come up with 7.66 million people receiving a COVID-19 vaccine during the last week of April, or 1.1 million/day. How many deaths would we expect in a week in a population of 7.66 million in a week, based on the CDC’s pre-pandemic statistics? Using the aforementioned yearly incidence of death pre-pandemic of 868.7 per 100,000 in a year, we can say that in a population of that size there would be 66,619 deaths in a year, or 182.5 deaths per day or 1,278 deaths in a week.
However, this is not a random population. Remember who got priority for COVID-19 vaccines until very recently. First, there is as yet no COVID-19 vaccine approved or even with an EUA issued for children. The Pfizer vaccine’s EUA applies for people 16 years of age and older, while the EUA for the Moderna and J&J vaccines only applies to people 18 years of age and older. More importantly, the two main priority groups until recently were healthcare and frontline workers and older adults, starting with those 65 and older. If you look at the CDC statistics for death rates by age, you’ll see that death rates rise rapidly with age, which is no particular surprise to anyone. Of course death rates are highest among the elderly and low among the young. Unfortunately, that’s how nature works.
Think of it this way. Never before in the history of VAERS has there been a mass vaccination program like that for COVID-19. The population initially targeted vaccination was exactly the population that has the highest baseline death rate, meaning that by random chance alone we would expect to see a seemingly large number of deaths within days of vaccination.
But there’s yet another factor. Those who have received a COVID-19 vaccination know that all those who receive COVID-19 vaccines are given instructions to sign up for V-Safe, a monitoring system that works by text message. Basically, if you sign up for V-Safe, you will receive periodic text messages, starting as daily text messages that become less frequent over time. I note that, even though I completed my vaccination series in January, I still receive V-Safe texts periodically. This basically turns a passive surveillance system into a quasi-active surveillance system. And, remember, the more you look for something, the more you will find. Always.
The law of large numbers says that, whenever an intervention is administered to huge numbers of people, there will be large numbers of adverse events that happen after that intervention by random chance alone. The way scientists determine if there is a safety signal in those adverse events is by comparing them to the expected baseline rate of each adverse event. The bottom line is that, fear mongering articles by RFK Jr. and reports of a “vaccine Holocaust” to the contrary, there is no evidence of deaths above and beyond what one would expect based on known baseline rates of death in the US population. Although RFK Jr. might not be expected to know this, someone like Dr. McCullough, who has an MPH in addition to his MD, should really, really, really know better. That he promotes antivaccine disinformation based on fear mongering about reports to VAERS of deaths and adverse events tells me one of two things. Either his MPH education failed him, or he’s lying. Take your pick. As for Mike Adams, no one expects him to know anything other than grift and propaganda.
The law of large numbers plus intensive monitoring
I can’t resist ending, as I began this post, with simple observation.
Whenever large numbers are involved, it becomes all too easy to fear monger by pointing to numbers that appear large but, when compared to the baseline rate, are actually not that large at all. That is the entire basis of the latest antivaccine propaganda trope pointing to the seemingly huge number of deaths reported to the VAERS database.
170 replies on “The latest antivax lie from Peter McCullough, Mike Adams, and RFK Jr.: “COVID-19 vaccines are killing people!!!!””
Personally I would have no problem with UN Shock Troops hunting down those who are doing the equivalent of shouting fire in a crowded cinema. Vaccine hesitancy has and continues to kill, unfortunately not in a Darwinian way,
Idiot. Gullible muppet.
Who are you referring to as “those who are doing the equivalent of shouting fire in a crowded cinema?” What if there IS a fire burning in that crowded cinema? Are you suggesting that those who warn others of the burning flames in that cinema deserve to be hunted down by the UN (who has no business or place in the USA.). “Vaccine hesitancy” does not apply to these COVAIDS jabs because they are NOT “vaccines,” They are a dangerous experimental genetic-altering medical device which do not prevent its victim from becoming infected or from infecting others. They certainly do kill & cause permanent health issues for those who are tricked by one size fits all TV medical advice pseudoscience propaganda so for one to be “hesitant’ against that would be a wise decision. Who in the right mind wants to donate their body to scientific experimentation while it is still alive?
casting coach here
we have an opening on thursday.
MRNA vaccones are certainly not devices, where you got that one ? They do elicit immune response to a specific tarrrget, so they are vaccines. They do not alter genome. Genetic molecule of humans is DNA, not RNA,
They do prevent infection. This is a thing tested during clinical trials.
There have been 150 million vaccinations in US. So we have very wide exprerience here. A car would not be exainly not dperimental after 150 million sales, I would say
My editor causes problems. I meant, a car is not experimental after sales of 150 million.
This ORAC is surely part of the so called group of political activists who support politically corrupt elite for $ or suffering from nonsensical group think. Those that fall into this must lack the necessary scientific aptitude explaining why they can’t think for themselves. Also, we can all agree that our security is threatened by the total and intentionally criminal assault on our Nations Sovereignty of allowing unvetted illegal immigrants overwhelm the hospital systems and then blame it on people that can see past the lies of this puppet regime. Considering that while coercive medical tyranny is taking place as they are writing lies about conservative ideals, this suspiciously anti-American president has the borders open to over 2 million illegal immigrants fraudulently claiming asylum after fleeing life or death. The Fed’s have employed Mexican drug cartels to human traffic over 100 thousand kids into a overburdened foster system. 2 million plus COVID DNA shedders spreading whatever new strain they have to many cities around the USA. About Ivermectin, the anti science propaganda is all from the LibDem leftists cowards that have everything to lose and this desperation should embarrass the hell out them and hopefully we will see war crimes punished ! The proof is out, ivermectin has been known to be extremely effective but didn’t meet their needs.
Speaking about elites, why Trump is not part of elite ? Common man with a billion ?
Can you tell number of illegal immigrants thrated for COVID ? They are actually afraid to get medical treatment, du their status,
You call attempt to protect public health coersive medical tyranny. It is not.
Ivermectin actually does not work. When you do a bigger trial, results vanish. These trials would show that out of patent steroids do work and in patent antivirals do not. Why Big Pharma conspiracy does not stop these results ?
At age 76 & after reading widely from health experts ( Not Govt drones) I can honestly say that I think the author is the one spraeding BS. He is completly on side with NOT allowing other Health Experts to have any discussion – If it is at all contrary to the carap we have forced on us by the MSM.
I’m in Australia & I’m disgusted at teh Govt response & the us eof our National broadcasters to spin Govt narrative 24/7. It’ sall BS & I will Not be taking the jab at any time ever.
yes, and I suppose the man who invented the technology is also a quack as well right? You are a very dangerous writer, not very well read on balacing the debate….
You mean Robert Malone?
Has anyone else noticed that their death number really hasn’t budged since they first rolled this claim out? It should be huge by now. I do see a lot of their adherents compensating by claiming that the real number is, of course, 10-100 times more. The families of all these dead must be paid off by the government.
Children Health Defense (the organization to defend children against missing out on dying from diphtheria) does send out weekly update of numbers.
And yes, you have to wonder about people who can say with a straight face that hundreds of thousands of people are dying and nobody noticed.
I mean, these are the people who failed to notice the hundreds of thousands of people dying from COVID-19, so….
Yes, exactly. Somehow we are supposed to believe at the same time, that there were very few deaths from COVID-19, because only a few death certificates included just COVID-19 as the cause of death, but at the same time there are 300,000 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine when no death certificates mention it.
I went and did the searches on VAERS to see what came up. Up to the end of February there were 2177 deaths with COVID-19 as the vaccine, by the end of March there were 3,244, to mid-May that has increased to 4,057. So only 800 new deaths in the last six weeks or so, compared with more than 1000 deaths in the whole of March. This is despite the number of vaccines given nearly doubling since the end of March and being over 3 times higher than at the end of February.
It is almost as if the vaccine has become much, much safer as time has passed. Or maybe, the vaccine was initially given to more people who were elderly or had pre-existing health conditions and hence more likely to die anyway.
Exactly. I mean it increased, sure. But considering the incredible number of vaccines given, I consider that pretty stagnant.
VAERS data is accessible by downloading raw data in comma-separated value (CSV) files for import into a database, spreadsheet, or text editing program, or by using the CDC WONDER online search tool. Information provided to VAERS which identifies a person who received the vaccine or vaccines will not be made available to the public. De-identified VAERS data are available 4-6 weeks after the report is received. VAERS data change as new reports are received, so your results may change if you repeat the same search at a later date. To learn more about interpreting data see Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data.
Curious as to how you came up with any numbers because the above paragraph taken off the official Vaers website clearly states “ Information provided to VAERS which identifies a person who received the vaccine or vaccines will not be made available to the public” Just asking
Not one person had to die as result of this so called viral pandemic. The truth is that it’s a genetically engineered gain of function enhanced viral MRNA packet that’s capable of air-born transmission only. That’s never been seen before in nature by the way! It just so happened to develop at the best time to enable the coverup of mail-in ballot voter I.d. fraud. Look at all the push back using the so called news which falsely claims that Democrat voters are incapable of maintaining a damn drivers liscense. So much respect they have for the underlines they trick into voting for them. Democrat politicians do not care about any Americans or America period. They only want the votes of those they can trick into voting Democrat one more time, only to turn right around and make good on their promises to PACS and Special Interests Groups who look out for industry and huge corporate interests which is how they retire multimillionaires on lawmaker pay.
If each person that tested positive for COVID-19 had been treated with the simple ways some doctors did treat their patients, by starting early, before so much inflammatory damage and an overwhelming case developed, no one should have suffered. But they did at the hands of this federal government who admittedly started censoring many months ago!
Is this copypasta? It’s hilarious!
@Scott There have never been air borne virus before ? Or any other coronavirus ? Do you know treatment for COVID ? Can you tell it to us ?
COVID numbers skyrocketed after November election. Why this happened, if COVID is a plot against Trump ?
Republican party does not get money from PACs ? There are no millionaire Republican lawyers ? May I laugh.
They have deleted 150,000 deaths from VAERs. Do you research!
VAERS have under report deaths apparently over 5000 which is higher in scale than 30 years of vaccine reporting.
Europe apparently over 8000 deaths from vaccine i jury.
But here’s the common sense question: If Ford, BMW, Cadillac cars caused lets say 100 or even 1000 deaths how long would it take to halt production and sales of that product?
Immediately canceled and criminal investigations would abound!!!!
EudraVigilance is an EU web-based information system.
Unfortunately all their web sites suck and are not user friendly
Research US Vaccine court and then comment on your findings as per science by Malone who invented mRNA and has grave concerns regarding ADE — ANTIBODY DEPENDENT ENHANCEMENT — adverse reactions confirmed by Evolutionary Biologist Bret Weinstein.
In an advanced age of computer data collection we can’t invoke accurate detailed adverse reactions from experimental unapproved covid vaccines????
What corporations have to tremendously gain from bad record keeping?
Citation needed.
Caused is the operative word. VAERS reports don’t show causation, nor do the European ones, and there’s no indication these deaths are related to the vaccine. In fact, the evidence is that the vaccines are extremely safe. Your leaders are misleading you by using VAERS, as actually reading some of the posts on this site would show you. Here is one of many,
On the other hand, COVID-19, which anti-vaccine activists are working to help and promote, does kill many.
It’s frustrating that people stand with the virus rather than working to help stop it.
I’m not dead yet. However, I have had to refrain from attempting to report to VAERS that the J&J vaccine turned my into She-Hulk.
Are you magnetic? (new myth floating around)
@ Dorit Reiss,
Yes, I am magnetic. All my fridge magnets are now on my arm. (My large muscular She-Hulk arm)
” Worse, it’s grown in the three months since I last wrote about it” said Orac.
Certainly. And what else has grown in the past three months? The number of people who are partially/ completely vaccinated. I find sites with graphs that clearly illustrate how vaccine uptake has proceeded and how rates of illness/ death have SIMULTANEOUSLY declined: often there are striking changes that are apparent to anyone who seeks them out. In addition, various locales are opening up as less people are seriously ill or dying from Covid as they also show decreased positivity rates.
I venture that the usual suspects** are becoming increasingly desperate as it becomes crystal clear to the general public that vaccines are slowly but surely taming this wild beast of a virus..
Because I got the J&J vaccine 6 weeks ago, I’ve followed the reports of suspicious blood clots which might conceivably be associated with the vaccine in certain subjects. The number of cases of condition has increased and the vaccine was then temporarily paused and re-initiated. But if you look closely , you’ll see that perhaps 28 people might have suffered this out of nearly 9 million who took the vaccine .I should report that throughout this turn of events I’ve never once been afraid that it would affect me. There are a lot more risky everyday activities that are higher risk than 28 per 9 million
Alt med proselytisers/ anti-vaxxers ( I know that’s redundant) capitalise on their followers’ lack of comprehension of large numbers and probability .The internet has many sites that reveal how everyday activities are much more “dangerous” although still only remotely likely
** NN, PRN, RFK, AoA, Del, Tenpenny, Mercola et al. .
What Are Your Chances of Dying from Everyday Activities? Mental Floss
“There are a lot more risky everyday activities that are higher risk than 28 per 9 million”
True, but if I were in the demographic that seems at greatest risk (women of childbearing age) then I’d consider that the 28 is spread out among a smaller pool (much smaller??, much, much smaller??) and try to get a non-adeno one.
If that pool were 20% of the 9 million then that is getting down to one in a full large sports arena.
Sabin! No! Not now! Not you.. You, you could have been somebodyyyy. Our self-first-born, secret unassisted love-child would have been safe with me, as you asked, but her little lungs were just too premature. I’ll never forget Opelika. I’ll never forget Alexander City. And you knew we didn’t speak of Dadeville; but you aslo knew I’d never forget it. I’ll never forget your most decorated act of bravery and the citizen-soldier that sacrificed it all for you.
Which is still pretty minor, but now that people realistically have a chance to choose their vaccine, you might as well do it for peace of mind.
The issue I see is that J&J is going to health departments in areas that serve vulnerable (read: poor and black) populations to eliminate the need for second dose follow up, and the RNA vaccines are going to large hospitals with the mega freezers and the surrounding community. Black people are already suspicious of the vaccine, and now there’s a “black” vaccine which is less effective and has more side effects, according to a naive reading of the data.
Why would anyone take an experimental vax when covid has a 99.7% survivability rate especially when the vaccinated are the trial guinea pigs — especially when ADE is still being studied?
Because death is not the only possible negative outcome of COVID infection.
Because it is possible to be asymptomatic and infectious.
Because vaccination will speed up the arrival of herd immunity.
Plus, if we take his numbers seriously 3:1000 death rate is actually very high.
And describing a vaccine safely given to hundreds of millions as “experimental” is incorrect.
Whoever wrote this article sounds like an 8th grader. No offense to 8th graders.
Well, that puts him about 4 grades ahead of POTUS 45.
How many 8th graders have you discussed Bell’s Palsy or mRNA with?
I had been looking forward to a massive population cull from Covid-19 vaccines, but even if you buy the Health Deranger’s figures, it’s one piddly-ass Vaccine Holocaust.
Last night there were sheriff’s deputies patrolling my neighborhood chanting “Bring out your VAERS reports”, so there’s that.
— I don’t want to frivolously go onto the data base, I feel honest, so honest
— No You don’t, you’ll be stone entered in a moment
— I didn’t type my middle initial correctly
— psst. Can’t I, uh, can’t I just get mum to retype it?
— send
This provoking piece might be persuasive if it provided some substantial analysis into the $ to both Dr. M for his protocol compared to those with whom he disagrees.
Your retort might be persuasive if it were more than just the “pharma shill” gambit.
not a real response, yours here below, “orac”
I must say that I think this is the first time I ever held a physical piece of paper with this particular VAERS rune on it. The nice needle lady advised me to photograph the card and email it to myself and then laminate it.
Let’s see. It reads,
And in two languages, no less. After hundreds of millions of doses given, It should seem completely unsurprising to see a couple reports from the Common Clay of the Land claiming that it made their arms fall off. It’s entirely possible if someone goes out disking during nappy time 1-2 days after that second dose and falls off the back of the tractor. Especially if he was using the D8 and Livingston Burgandy for his headache.
I’d noted previously that while AAPS may be the John Birch Society of medical organizations, New American, the source of the McCullough video, is owned by the actual by the actual John Birch Society. I hadn’t checked out The Liberty Sentinel before, though. It’s a website run by a guy named Alex Newman, who also writes for The Epoch Times and (yup) New American, so it’s Bircher-adjacent if not Bircher-official. As you might expect from those connections, The Liberty Sentinel is a full-on far-far-Right crank-fest. A few choice headlines: “America in ‘Deep Peril’ of Falling to Marxism”, “They Are Coming for Your Kids: Globalists Launch All-out Assault on Children”, “AZ Exposing Vote Fraud, Global Currency Reset & More”. The “COVID Vaccine Killing Huge Numbers” piece with McCulloiugh isn’t the only COVID-related bit of conspiracy theory either. We also get, “Rand Paul Rips Dr. Fauci, and People Are Starting To Wake Up!”, “Planned ‘Cyber Pandemic’ Will Devastate US” (this one far more insane even than the headline suggests), and “The Cult Of Fauci- Covid 19 And The Agendas To Come Redpilled”.
There’s only one ad on the Liberty Sentinel homepage. It’s for a dietary supplement — and i swear I’m not making this up, or it links to The Onion or anything like that— offered by Redpillliving.Com. The product is called “Dark To Light – Mental Focus Boost”, and the tag line is “”Experience The Great Awakening of FOCUS”. I clicked through to the product page on the Redpillliving.Com site and found this description:
Lest that be ambiguous, the ‘customer reviews’ clarify that Dark To Light is being pitched as a ‘natural’ alternative to Adderal. Among the other products offered by Redpillliving.Com are The Great Awakening gourmet coffee, and a sleep aid called Sleepy Joe. “The Great Awakening” is a theme of QAnon, and indeed Redpillliving.Com is a business operated by the aforequoted QAnon figure Dustin ‘Nemos’ Krieger. According to Reuters:
So, nice company Dr. McCullough keeps there, eh?
But then McCullough, Adams, and even Del Bigtree are now but minor players in the new COVID-era antivax theater, all of them barely making a squeak compared to Tucker Carlson’s megaphone… Maybe they’re helping write his script indirectly, though…
Wait, is that the same “smart” pill that Alex Jones was peddling a few years ago?
Ugh, maybe I don’t want to know.
I salute your bravery for even reading those headlines.
Whoo. I didn’t know that the website was owned by the actual John Birch Society.
@Orac: Commenter “Laurie” above ( has a white supremacist blogspot site linked in the ‘nym.
BEYOND STUPID .. writes Mikey today: people who buy organic, avoid GMOs, pesticides and toxic metals then go ahead and get INJECTED with spikes in vaccines!!!
oh, the horror!
@ Denice Walters
I try to buy organic, try to avoid GMOs, pesticides and toxic metals and got the COVID vaccine. As for GMOs, one major problem is allowing a couple of huge corporations to control 80% of crucial parts of world food supply, besides no evidence GM0s better than old-fashioned crops. Some studies even found doesn’t grow as well. I know that this blog and others defend GMOs; but I just gave a major reason to be against, unless you want much of world to depend on a very few huge corporations? And again, I got the COVID vaccine and contacted the project to make sure when the get Moderna’s COVID vaccine designed for some of the variants that I get it.
Organics use some pesticides that are more toxic than in conventional farming and are wasteful of land and water. High cost and low yield do not a sustainable model make.
The only things I buy organic are baby spinach, for convenience, and bananas — which I only buy for others — because of the workers’ conditions in conventional operations.
@ Joel:
Actually, I’m not sure WHAT to think about GMOs-
I’m not afraid of them as the alties are but some of the things you mention worry me like control by a few companies, how this might affect poorer countries; it’s a multi-sided issue and I just don’t know.
I don’t select only organic but I try to get “safer” foods as far as I can tell
I used to get farmed fish but now I get wild salmon ( but it’s from China so who knows?) and I do eat totally un-Kosher seafood and diverse types of poultry ( some anti-biotic free, none free range, I’m not THAT rich)
I actively avoid products with high levels of sugars, bad fats and too many additives. but I do eat sushi and Middle Eastern cuisine. …
By and large, I try to hew to products that bear the Certified Humane badge. It’s not as strict as Animal Welfare Approved* (was?), but it’s something.
*The turkeys were sent in fresh by FedEx the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, IIRC; $10/lb.
That is the ultimate of exploitation. “You lived a good life, better than most, better than most, imma eat you know.”
One is bread to be happy to be of service. /not really
If God didn’t want people to eat animals then why did he make them so tasty? Then again, why did he make iron deficiant aneamic vegans averse to iron? I think Sky Guy has a few points of order to work though.
@ Denice Walter
As for factory farmed fish, I suggest you watch a documentary on Netflix entitled “Seaspiracy”. I never rely on such documentaries, so did my own search and it confirmed the documentary.
And I try to get organics simply to avoid as much as possible pesticides.
I am one of the few people who doesn’t get Netflix ( I get HBO) but I know about the issues involved. I get frozen wild salmon- one brand is Chinese, so I do wonder- occasionally the food store has fresh wild salmon discounted so I get that.
Where you live, you probably get quite a variety of vegetables/ fruits. I once drove between San Jose and Monterey – the Artichoke Capital, the Brussels Sprouts town, etc
On the way to Sacramento, I even saw rice growing
We are much more mundane here but lots of fruits/ berries from Chile, Mexico., probably not the healthiest, so I avoid them..
The lying wailer just put out an op-ed and an “article” (which he pretends was authored by a PhD working for his “institue”) claiming to show causality for VAERS reported deaths after COVID-19 vaccination and also HPV vaccination, so expect all Adams, RFKjr, McCullough and all the other VAERS abusers to pile on the links to it by tomorrow. Basically JLW has to admit risk of severe AEs including death from COVID-19 vaccination is a lot less than risk of death and injury from the infection but then he most unscientifically claims (via furious hand waving) that the risk of the vaccine AEs are likely greater than infection because of “under reporting” to VAERS and some vague claim of processing backlog at the CDC.
WTF, Biden. I’m two weeks from the endzone and you are Lucy with the football. Talk about the rug being pulled out from under the ‘anyone but Trump’ crowd. I would have voted Andrew Yang, or Mayor Pete Gay Guy first anyways but y’all gotta do y’all. I’m out {you need a special filter to see the violet (indigo, really, just not that bright).
A friend called to ask if we were all vaxed up. He got his three days before mine and I knew where. It was available all along. It was Buerbama.
He is, apparently, an outlier. He believes Trump won the election (he was born in a sundown town) yet got the vaccine and is encouraging others to do so. Could be his COPD. Could be his loss of several relate-ervs to the disease. Could be because he drives dump trucks now and talks on the CB (channel 14). He might also be a fed. He offered for me to come over and smoke real pot. I’m not yet ready to kill a man after so much time off.
And then she said, “and you just keep that mask on tight for another two weeks.” I think she was being facetious.
Little (or much?) did she know that the spike springs from the pours and most of the ones on my face were long ago plugged with goop already. Joke’s on her.
I’m comming to your bodega! I’m a strong woman and you are going to engage with my presence! Raaaa……a.a.a..spike spray… activate!
Throughout the pandemic numerous authorities have speculated that COVID deaths were undercounted, e.g., dying at home from heart attack, so no labs done. Well, a recent report by a well-respected Center at University of Washington, based on an excellent methodology (I carefully read the methods section) has confirmed this. According to the report, the number of COVID deaths so far Globally is 6.9 million, double the official report and in the U.S. more than 905,000, about 50% higher. than the official number If one speculates based on what we know, probably in U.S. another 100-200,000 suffering long COVID, and many more who experienced asymptomatic cases with vascular damage that may lead to future health problems. So, anyone downplaying the seriousness of COVID, e.g., compared to flu, though even with the previous statistics obvious, are really NUTS, living in a world of fantasy.
University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2021 May 6). News Release: COVID-19 has caused 6.9 million deaths globally, more than double what official reports show. Both available at:
University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2021 May 13). Estimation of total mortality due to COVID-19.
CDC’s Dr Wallensky notes real progress this week against Covid: the last time numbers were this good was March 2020, essentially before the pandemic really hit.
I expect that alt med / anti-vaxxers will increase their conspiracy mongering and vaccine fright porn as we start to emerge from the grips of the virus. If we continue to do well and countries recover, these charlatans will explore new ways to scare their audiences.. Mike Adams and Gary Null are trying very hard with novel methods as their latest articles/ videos show.
See and NaturalNews
Let’s assume that every VAERS-reported death post Covid vaccination is coincidental and in line with natural background death rates (I’m sure the author would heartily agree). If that is the case, a similar background death rate should track with other vaccines as well—at least with those given to adults. If 150 million Covid-vaccinated Americans produced 3,919 VAERS-reported deaths so far, that’s well below .00003% deaths per vaccinated person—very low.
For comparison, let’s consider the 40% or so of 250 million US adults who get the flu vaccine each year, which is about 100 million annually. So, very roughly, let’s just say Covid vax uptake so far equals two years of flu vaccinations. What does VAERS show for post-flu vax deaths in the past two years?
35 deaths. A “coincidental” death rate more than ten times less than for Covid vaccines. In fact, searching VAERS for all flu vaccine deaths since 1990 (when VAERS launched) produces only 1,176 total events. So, even if all vaccine deaths are coincidental, we’re seeing a dramatic increase in reports under Covid. Is that attributable solely to fraudulent reporting? Or, if VAERS is now being utilized more, why do we not see a significant uptick in reports for other vaccines?
Comparing VAERS to background death rates in the general population certainly makes VAERS look insignificant. But when you compare VAERS Covid reports to other data sets from VAERS, something looks askew. There are conspiracy theories, and there are coincidence theories.
The two are not comparable. The COVID vaccine rollout has been accompanied by an unprecedented surveillance campaign in that the V-Safe text notification system has turned VAERS into a quasi-active surveillance system. There’sa rule of thumb that says that the harder you look for something the more of it you will find. Also, the age distribution of who first got COVID vaccines is very much skewed to an older, sicker population for whom the baseline death rate is MUCH higher because a lot more older sicker people will die in any given period than the general population. Those two factors likely account for the difference, particularly when coupled with antivaxxers actively encouraging such reports to further up the numbers.
It is always funny when supposedly smart people, or at least people whom try to be smart, do not see the duplicity in their reasoning when it does not suit their agenda. To say that the experimental gene therapy was initially given to an older subgroup who are more apt to die anyway is also the reason why using excess death statistics as a rationale for the death rate of Covid is flawed. The virus was lethal to older people, true, but it probably only caused most to die a few years before they would have died naturally. Let’s see if the excess deaths are lower than projected in the next few years to rationalize this hypothesis. As for the overall tone of the discussion, I have to wonder why people are so vehemently trying to censure others opinions. You may disagree with the VAERS claims but have you read the data from the studies done on early intervention treatment? Probably not because it would invalidate any need for an emergency use authorization. Further, if you believe that children need the shot then you truly have not been paying attention. Those under 24 have a statistically insignificant, almost zero, percent chance of developing even severe symptoms. If you disagree with that then you are blinded by your devotion to you ideology and really do not want to have a substantive discussion of fact so this is really a waste of time.
Vaccines are neither experimental nor gene therapy.
Your line of argument was tedious long ago.
Comparing Covid-19 vaccine to flu vaccine VAERS reports is probably misleading for several reasons.
Flu vaccines have been around a long time, so benefits and comparatively tiny risks are well known.
Covid-19 vaccines are new, perceived by some as “experimental”, and fears about them have been fanned by various parties to a vastly greater extent compared to flu vaccines. We have news media breathlessly reporting a range of complications and deaths unrealistically linked to Covid-19 vaccines so it’s unremarkable that others (including groups vehemently opposed to all vaccines) are jumping on the bandwagon and submitting reports to VAERS.
In addition to antivaxers and their allies stuffing the VAERS ballot box (as it were) there are well-intentioned health care workers passing along a higher volume of reports than usual, in an earnest attempt to see if there might be lines of investigation worth pursuing.
The authors of the article declare they have no conflicts or interests other than having children in Israel.
After a presentation, the authors discussed their data analysis, the validations carried out, limitations, and above all, their conclusions that they compare with data received via a Health Ministry Freedom of Information Act request.
Their findings are:
There is a mismatch between the data published by the authorities and the reality on the ground.
They have three sources of information, besides the emails and adverse event reports they receive through the Internet.
These three sources are Israeli news site Ynet, the Israeli Health Ministry database, and the U.S. federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database.
In January 2021, there were 3,000 records of vaccine adverse events, including 2,900 for mRNA vaccines.
Compared to other years, mortality is 40 times higher.
On February 11, a Ynet article presented data related to vaccination.
The authors of the Nakim article claim to have debunked this analysis based on data published by Ynet itself:
“We took the data by looking at mortality during the vaccination period, which spans 5 weeks.
By analyzing these data, we arrived at startling figures that attribute significant mortality to the vaccine.”
The authors say “vaccinations have caused more deaths than the coronavirus would have caused during the same period.”
Haim Yativ and Dr. Seligmann declare that for them,
“this is a new Holocaust,” in face of Israeli authority pressure to vaccinate citizens.
They also invite specialists to complete their analyses, and intend to pursue legal follow-up to their discovery.
The Health Ministry was not available for comment on a FranceSoir query regarding the findings.
The authors also deplored “the fact of not being able to communicate on this vital information” to their fellow citizens
We have previously reported how Israel rapidly vaccinated the highest percentage of their population with experimental COVID vaccines after the Israeli government struck a bargain with Pfizer to secure millions of doses of their mRNA COVID vaccines.
Death Rates in Israel Pfizer Experimental vaccine
By Brian Shilhavy
Vera Sharav wrote:
It is astonishing that the government of Israel entrusted the health of the people to Pfizer; by entering into a secret contract that enrolled the Israeli population to become research subjects, without their knowledge or consent.
To date, Israel has vaccinated over 53% of their population, twice the percentage of the next closest nation, Britain, with 26.9%.
The “official news” published by the corporate media claiming that the vaccines have been effective in reducing rates of COVID in Israel has been scrutinized and examined by Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ, who published their results on a discussion forum website called “Nakim.”
The information quickly went viral, and has now been translated into several languages and addressed on various news sites around the world, including Arutz Sheva 7,
Mordechai Sones writes:
A front-page article appeared in the FranceSoir newspaper about findings on the Nakim website regarding what some experts are calling “the high mortality caused by the vaccine.”
The paper interviews Aix-Marseille University Faculty of Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Unit’s Dr. Hervé Seligmann and engineer Haim Yativ about their research and data analysis.
They claim that Pfizer’s shot causes “mortality hundreds of times greater in young people compared to mortality from coronavirus without the vaccine, and dozens of times more in the elderly, when the documented mortality from coronavirus is in the vicinity of the vaccine dose, thus adding greater mortality from heart attack, stroke, etc.”
Dr Hervé Seligmann works at the Emerging Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France. He is of Israeli-Luxembourg nationality. He has a B. Sc. In Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and has written over 100 scientific publications.
FranceSoir writes that they follow publications, data analyzes, and feedback from various countries on vaccination, and have therefore taken an interest in the Nakim article, asking to interview them in order to understand their analysis and its limitations.
@Khan VAERS reports have been analyzed multiple times. How 5000 deaths for 100 millions many times more than expected.
Otherwise, you do not cite anything, like that FOI request or Isrseli vaccine database.
Hey genius, to say some believe it is “experimental” shows a level of ignorance that should prohibit you from posting here. The application declared that these were “experimental gene therapies” so that would imply they are experimental. Also, you probably do not understand the modality involved in how a mRNA vaccine is hypothetically supposed to work, but the real experiment is that these have never been used in humans before. Therefore, the data being compiled on humans is now the test data. Time will tell if there are short or long term consequences of making our cells manufacturers of the spike protein but there is data from other attempts that there could be consequences. If people would spend more time reading all the studies with an open mind we could have saved numerous lives by using early intervention treatments like hydroxy and ivermectin but cannot do that because orange man bad. Sad that most of this has been about political Science versus real science which I have spent my own life pursuing.
“…real science which I have spent my own life pursuing.”
What a shame that your pursuit has been unsuccessful. Try running faster.
I see that the Italian visitor has a pen pal.
Ah, ridicule. The favorite tool of the left when blinded by ideological ignorance. If you practiced the scientific method instead of political science you may be surprised that you agree with those of differing opinions sometimes. You and your ilks problem is you can never concede you may not be right because your ideology depends on blind obedience. I do not expect you to understand because I have dealt with this for decades. The problem with most of you is you have received a trophy your entire existence which has lead to the delusion that anyone that disagrees with you must be wrong because you must be right.
Perhaps, it’s because VAERS is a voluntary reporting system. It may be that it doesn’t even occur to the vast majority of people to report the death of someone who recently received their annual flu shot to VAERS. On the other hand, with all the fear-mongering around COVID vaccines, people may be far more likely to report any adverse event, including deaths, to VAERS. Indeed, I’d personally expect a controversial vaccine like the various COVID ones to generate far higher levels of adverse incident reporting to an open reporting system like VAERS than “routine” vaccines like the annual flu vaccine.
Exactly. Not to mention, I usually don’t bother telling anyone when I get my flu shot except my spouse and doctor (to update my records). But I, and most everyone I know, has been super vocal about announcing each of their COVID shots.
So it’s very like that in years past when a person died, no one really thought about “did Marty get a flu shot two months ago?”.
Marty always got a flu shot. And now he’s dead. I warned him.
By law, over 30 years old, every vaccine provider is required to give you a Vaccine Information Statement for each and every vaccine you or your child receives. In addition, many health providers requirement recipients or their guardians to sign that they have read the VIS and understood them. Of course, probably all providers don’t follow the law and many recipients don’t bother to read them. However, they are proof that the CDC goes out of its way to inform vaccine recipients about vaccines, including potential serious adverse events AND clear information how to contact VAERS.
You can find ALL current Vaccine Information Statements at:
Included are VIS for each and every current Covid Vaccine. Below is an example:
Moderna Covid Vaccine
There is a remote chance that the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine could cause a severe allergic reaction. A severe allergic reaction would usually occur within a few minutes to one hour after getting a dose of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. For this reason, your vaccination provider may ask you to stay at the place where you received your vaccine for monitoring after vaccination. Signs of a severe allergic reaction can include:
• Difficulty breathing
• Swelling of your face and throat
• A fast heartbeat
• A bad rash all over your body
Dizziness and weakness
Side effects that have been reported in a clinical trial with the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine include:
• Injection site reactions: pain, tenderness and swelling of the lymph nodes in the same arm of the injection, swelling (hardness), and redness
• General side effects: fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, chills, nausea and vomiting, and fever
Side effects that have been reported during post-authorization use of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine include:
• Severe allergic reactions
These may not be all the possible side effects of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine. Serious and unexpected side effects may occur. The Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials.
If you experience a severe allergic reaction, call 9-1-1, or go to the nearest hospital.
Call the vaccination provider or your healthcare provider if you have any side effects that bother you or do not go away.
Report vaccine side effects to FDA/CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The VAERS toll-free number is 1-800-822-7967 or report online to Please include “Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine EUA” in the first line of box #18 of the report form.
In addition, you can report side effects to ModernaTX, Inc. at 1-866-MODERNA (1-866-663- 3762).
You may also be given an option to enroll in v-safe. V-safe is a new voluntary smartphone-based tool that uses text messaging and web surveys to check in with people who have been vaccinated to identify potential side effects after COVID-19 vaccination. V-safe asks questions that help CDC monitor the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.
To add on to Dr Harrison’s note here: every single time I fill out the V-safe survey (which I’ll do again in about an hour) it offers me a link to VAERS in case I want to submit a report in addition to everything I’ve told the V-safe.
Really, I don’t expect you’ll ever report you’re dead.
@PaulG His doctor will do that for him
I don’t understand what you mean by that.
How could I or Dr Harrison (it’s not clear who you’re talking to) report our deaths? Dead people can’t report anything. That is the responsibility of the living.
Could you please clarify what you mean by your statement?
You are so caullous. These are people who died.
“Sorry” as I was being flippant and rude as I knew at the time. I shall attempt to mend my ways.
Well, alrighty then.
@ John K
It is rather easy to explain the higher Covid vaccine VAERS reports. Given the vast antivax blog network, antivax social media, etc. claiming the vaccine has NOT gone through ALL required FDA trials, that it is a new type of vaccine, that it was made available to public far sooner than any other vaccine, etc.
First, animal studies, Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3 studies were carried out. The Phase 3 studies included 30,000 or more participants, with a significant number senior citizens and/or with comorbidites. mRNA vaccines have been researched for over 30 years. And, as opposed to previous vaccines, our government contracted for the vaccines to be prepared prior to approval and if not approved the companies would still be paid.
So, as VAERS reports came in, despite thorough investigations of each and every serious adverse events reports, antivaxxers played up the reports and the above, claiming adverse problems from mRNA that are virtually impossible, e.g., entering cell nucleus and affecting DNA, going through blood and lymph systems and attaching to cells, etc.
As I’ve written several times, the S-Spike Protein is like a finger cut-off and used for fingerprinting, can’t poke you in the eye, can’t pull a trigger, etc. And to make extra certain, the S-Spike Protein from the vaccine is NOT the complete S-Spike Protein, just enough to be recognized by the immune system.
That was easy?
Your detailed rebuttal is duly noted.
I like your style Mr Harrison.
You have the classic deceptive “I will tell part of the data to make my point in my responses to questions”.
First of all you earlier mentioned that the HIV vaccine was an mRNA type, but didn’t mention it was not successful.
In this reply you state that “Phase 3 studies were carried out. The Phase 3 studies included 30,000 or more participants,”, but fail to mention that it is still ongoing and won’t finish for some time.Therefore every vaccinated person has become part of that phase 3 trial without the monitoring you and others are getting.
You then say “mRNA vaccines have been researched for over 30 years.” but fail to mention that not one of them has been authorised for Human use. and still haven’t
You attempt to downplay the 4000+ deaths “associated” with COVID vaccines reported by the CDC, but let me ask how good is your memory?
As you seem to have forgotten the 1976 Swine flu vaccine, the last time the Government tried to fast track a vaccine.
That vaccine, had to be withdrawn after only between 3 & 53 deaths ,depending what reference source you use.
Contrast that with the noticable lack of media coverage and action for the current siutation.
Don’t bother to respond to this post as I will not be back to a site that uses such deceitful tactics to make their case.
Brave Sir Robin runs away…
FTFY. Where did you come from, anyway?
@lookingforinfo Actually there are mRNA vaccines for COVID.
There are 100 millions vaccine doses administrated, I leave for you to calculate how many deaths you can expect in this population.
“I leave for you to calculate how many deaths you can expect in this population.”
How many elevators do they have?
In other news…
Nearly one third of Australians probably will not accept a Covid vaccine because they are afraid of possible extremely rare side effects Business Insider Australia
Anti-vax / alt med thought leaders are doing a terrific job fear mongering and discouraging vaccination, allowing the virus more time and opportunities to mutate.
Notice that at this time last year, news about variants was not a concern to the general public BUT IT IS NOW! Why is that?
How many variants are we talking about now as compared to in January?
“How many variants are we talking about now as compared to in January?”
Wouldn’t it be lovely to have remote sensing for the virus or some marker of it. How granular could it be? Even show variants? I don’t have a clue but how convenient would it be to point, shoot, scan, and identify the molecules/chemicals around a group or individual from a reasonable far distance. {o.k. stick a weueueueueue cylinder on top of it and it is a tricorder}
There must be some marker, trained dogs are very good at detecting the virus:
Once identified, as one does, then work moves onto what combination of manipulation, absorption, and emission is suitible to yeild detection. Perhaps, one starts with a few femto-second bursts of high-power UV, as some seem to do, to act as a flash, and get everyone exited and smiling for the camera. {This, of course, is duel-use. Someone with this illumination system may well discharge a high voltage capacitor though the ionized trail left by the lazer (if tight) and kill his test subject via phasor {it really makes a sizzling sound. and it is not small}.
This sounds about righ but I can’t view it (LIDAR hyperspectral system…)
I’ve head tell that Kerr and Pockel elements can be modulated at optical frequencies which should allow for a wide, even if somewhat quantumy, range of harmonics up and down that can be combined in various ways to give just about any psuedo-wavelength one wants. — Wait. That can’t be right… oh yea, I’m full of crap today.
Apparently, this work derives from the need to outpace the enemie’s optics capabilies to adapt to our DEW “weapons for biological sensors” personnel interdiction modes. Screw it. Full spectrum sweep every nanosecond. They better have some fast photograys now! Pull that up, Jamie. Call Carl.
You need to cool your jets, space cadet.
@ Denice Walter
You write: “Nearly one third of Australians probably will not accept a Covid vaccine.”
Well, especially as variants develop, some of them may tragically literally be “down under.”
AND from The Telegraph,, The Daily Fail
It seems that the UK will purchase J&J vaccines for use with the vaccine hesitant as it is only one dose, not two.
The articles show maps of where vaccine rates are lowest which intersect with areas where the Indian variant is most prevalent.
“I want the white man’s vaccine.” Ya’ll whiteys are just lying abouit them broken freezers.
I don’t care what they say
I don’t wanna live in a world where they liquefy vaccine-murdered people and spread them on food crops*
*on second thought it might be OK, as long as they’re non-GMO crops.
@ lookingforinfo
You write: “First of all you earlier mentioned that the HIV vaccine was an mRNA type, but didn’t mention it was not successful.”
Really? I don’t remember mentioning HIV vaccine. Can you cut and paste my comment.
You write: “In this reply you state that “Phase 3 studies were carried out. The Phase 3 studies included 30,000 or more participants,”, but fail to mention that it is still ongoing and won’t finish for some time.Therefore every vaccinated person has become part of that phase 3 trial without the monitoring you and others are getting.”
What you fail to understand is that Phase 3 studies are what FDA requires for approval. And CDC has several programs for post-marketing surveillance, including Vaccine Safety Datalink. Look it up. However, yep, volunteers in the study agreed to 25 months, so what? They call us in for blood tests to see how long antibodies last, etc. Phase 3 trials are required for all pharmaceutical products by the FDA; however, the requirements for vaccine approval are much more stringent and the post-marketing surveillance much better.
You write: “You then say “mRNA vaccines have been researched for over 30 years.” but fail to mention that not one of them has been authorised for Human use. and still haven’t.”
I never said a mRNA vaccine for human use had been approved; however, if you understood immunology, understood microbiology, understand molecular biology, you would understand how the vaccine works. Prior to the COVID pandemic there was little funding to develop a mRNA vaccine; but a lot of basic research was carried out. Prior to volunteering for the Moderna COVID vaccine clinical trial I took out my molecular biology books, carefully re-read up on mRNA, then did a thorough search of PubMed and Google Scholar for any and all papers on mRNA vaccine research and carefully read them, then volunteered. And on December 30, 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine the first peer-reviewed article on the Phase 3 study was published online. And it exceeded the best expectations both for effectiveness and safety.
You write: “As you seem to have forgotten the 1976 Swine flu vaccine, the last time the Government tried to fast track a vaccine. That vaccine, had to be withdrawn after only between 3 & 53 deaths ,depending what reference source you use.”
NOPE! I have several books on the 1976 Swine flu vaccine and probably over 100 articles. I won’t bother to give the references since I’m sure you won’t check them out. One was report on deaths in a nursing home during week following vaccination. When actually investigate, based on the size of the patients, it was actually slightly lower than the expected number of cases, looking at past data from the nursing home and others. Another report was a man who got the vaccine and had a massive heart attack in the doctors office. Turns out he had had several heart attacks and was really sick. Let’s take nowadays. On average in the United States around 2,300 people die every day from cardiovascular disease. So, follow up those vaccinated for 10 days and it would be approximately 23,000 dying of cardiovascular disease. So, CDC investigates thoroughly each reported death, including medical records, and guess what? All had severe heart problems and there were NO excess deaths over the expected for the same time period.
Oh, one interesting tidbit. Yep, swine flu didn’t break out in 1976; however, if it had and a vaccine had not been produced, all hell would have broken out. In other words, CDC damned if they do, damned if they don’t. However, during the 2009 pandemic those who received the 1976 vaccine were found, on average, to have some protection against it compared to the population at large. Both were H1N1 serotypes of flu. And I was working for the U.S. Navy at the time and received a double dose.
You write: “Don’t bother to respond to this post as I will not be back to a site that uses such deceitful tactics to make their case.”
Good riddance!
@ lookingforinfo
You write: “First of all you earlier mentioned that the HIV vaccine was an mRNA type, but didn’t mention it was not successful.”
Really? I don’t remember mentioning HIV vaccine. Can you cut and paste my comment.
You write: “In this reply you state that “Phase 3 studies were carried out. The Phase 3 studies included 30,000 or more participants,”, but fail to mention that it is still ongoing and won’t finish for some time.Therefore every vaccinated person has become part of that phase 3 trial without the monitoring you and others are getting.”
NOPE. The Moderna Vaccine Phase 3 study was completed: “This phase 3 randomized, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled trial was conducted at 99 centers across the United States . . . Thirty participants in the trial had severe Covid-19; all 30 were in the placebo group”
L.R. Baden et al. (2020 Dec 30). Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine. New England Journal of Medicine.
What you fail to understand is that Phase 3 studies are what FDA requires for approval. However: “Many vaccines undergo Phase IV formal, ongoing studies after the vaccine is approved and licensed.” Go to CDC page “Vaccine Testing and Approval Process” See also U.S. Food & Drug Administration page: “Vaccine Development — 101”
However, typically a trial is for a minimum of 1 year; but FDA also explains on its page Vaccine Development — 101: under Special Considerations – Public health emergencies and more information: “In public health emergencies, such as a pandemic, the development process may be atypical or expedited. For example, as demonstrated by the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government may coalesce government agencies, international counterparts, academia, nonprofit organizations and pharmaceutical companies to develop a coordinated strategy for prioritizing and speeding development of the most promising treatments and vaccines. In addition, the federal government may make investments in the necessary manufacturing capacity at its own risk, giving companies confidence that they can invest aggressively in development and allowing faster distribution of an eventual vaccine.”
And CDC has several programs for post-marketing surveillance, including Vaccine Safety Datalink. Look it up. However, yep, volunteers in the study agreed to 25 months, so what? They call us in for blood tests to see how long antibodies last, etc. Phase 3 trials are required for all pharmaceutical products by the FDA; however, the requirements for vaccine approval are much more stringent and the post-marketing surveillance much better.
So, we now have data from the Clinical Trial participants approaching one year, the data on increased vaccinations leading to decreased hospitalizations and deaths, and the CDC Post-Marketing Surveillance data.
You write: “You then say “mRNA vaccines have been researched for over 30 years.” but fail to mention that not one of them has been authorised for Human use. and still haven’t.”
I never said a mRNA vaccine for human use had been approved; however, if you understood immunology, understood microbiology, understand molecular biology, you would understand how the vaccine works. Prior to the COVID pandemic there was little funding to develop a mRNA vaccine; but a lot of basic research was carried out. Prior to volunteering for the Moderna COVID vaccine clinical trial I took out my molecular biology books, carefully re-read up on mRNA, then did a thorough search of PubMed and Google Scholar for any and all papers on mRNA vaccine research and carefully read them, then volunteered. And on December 30, 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine the first peer-reviewed article on the Phase 3 study was published online. And it exceeded the best expectations both for effectiveness and safety.
And what you fail to understand is that mRNA breaks down rapidly in the cells cytoplasm, so it can only lead to production to a limited number of S-Spike Proteins, the key part of the COVID virus that antibodies recognize. In addition, the vaccine’s S-Spike Protein is not the complete one found on the virus, only enough to be recognized by our immune system. As just a small bit of protein, it also won’t last long in our bodies. So, though nothing impossible, long-term adverse reactions highly unlikely and that is why we volunteered for 25 months, both to see how long our antibodies to COVID protect us and possible rare adverse events. And, of course, the CDC vaccine post-marketing programs.
You write: “As you seem to have forgotten the 1976 Swine flu vaccine, the last time the Government tried to fast track a vaccine. That vaccine, had to be withdrawn after only between 3 & 53 deaths ,depending what reference source you use.”
NOPE! I have several books on the 1976 Swine flu vaccine and probably over 50 articles. I won’t bother to give the references since I’m sure you won’t check them out. One was report on deaths in a nursing home during week following vaccination. When actually investigate, based on the number of the patients at the , deaths actually slightly lower than the expected number, looking at past data from the nursing home and others. But newspapers, of course, reported deaths after vaccine before further evaluation. Another report was a man who got the vaccine and had a massive heart attack in the doctor’s office. Turns out he had had several heart attacks and was really sick. Let’s take nowadays. On average in the United States around 2,300 people die every day from cardiovascular disease. So, follow up those vaccinated for 10 days and it would be approximately 23,000 dying of cardiovascular disease. So, CDC investigates thoroughly each reported death, including medical records, and guess what? All had severe heart problems and there were NO excess deaths over the expected for the same time period.
You write: “Don’t bother to respond to this post as I will not be back to a site that uses such deceitful tactics to make their case.”
Good riddance as you are just one more typical uneducated person, ignorant of immunology, microbiology, epidemiology, even the published studies of the COVID vaccines, and especially numerous international studies that have found as vaccine rates have increased, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID have decreased. Typical is your finding deaths from 1976 Swine flu vaccine; but not investigating further. After all, all you want is confirmation of your ignorance.
Dr. Harrison,
Do you have an opinion on this report? My understanding is that mRNA therapies have had potential for at least a dozen years, but the right application couldn’t be found for them because of their risks such as ADE. This Hungarian lady figured out a way around that in the nick of time:
Forget VAERS. The simple way to disprove DEATHS FROM THE VACCINES is to do what’s proposed here.
Compare the death rate of the vaccinated to the unvaccinated for each age bracket used in the original trial. That’s it. It’s that simple. The vaccinated should have a much lower death rate, all things being equal.
I have a few concerns.
Orac’s Law:
“The law of large numbers says that, whenever an intervention is administered to huge numbers of people, there will be large numbers of adverse events that happen after that intervention by random chance alone.”
One concern is the argument that because there have been such a large number of covid vaccines administered, the deaths reported on VAERS are proportionate. But are they? Consider that from the late 90s when VAERS started recording adverse reactions for ALL vaccines, there have been more total vaccines administered than the number of covid vaccines. I.e., probably in the BILLIONS! And the number of deaths from ALL vaccines administered in the last 25 years is extremely low by comparison. I’m talking every vaccine recorded on VAERS, including for example mmr, dtap, polio, annual influenza, etc.
That would seem to invalidate Dr. Orac’s statement (and yes, I realize it’s his moniker not his name, but it sounds cool), would it not?
Another concern is the hand waving that is then done to invalidate the covid vaccine deaths. It reminds me of the same hand waving utilized by many anti-vaxxers, and coming from what originally impressed me as a site focused on intelligence guided by experience, it’s somewhat of a let down. And I’m speaking of statements such as, “Well, there’s a huge influx of anti-vax sentiment surrounding the covid vaccines and so the deaths reported on VAERS are no doubt inflated by anti-vaxers flooding the system.” Really?!
Finally, when VAERS states this on their website… (as found at
VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused an adverse event, but it is good at detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of reporting that might indicate possible safety problems that need a closer look.
…and when covid vaccine related deaths in the past 5 months seem to outnumber all other vaccine related deaths in the past 25 years by a factor of 2 to 1…
…why the hell isn’t that an indication of a “possible safety problem” that needs a closer look?
On a separate but related note, covid-19 mortality rates in the USA based on deaths per cases, irregardless of how accurate that may be in achieving a factual number, is at 1.8% when you include ALL comorbidities. And that number is predominately, exceedingly! consisting of people 85+ years old. Would not the Law of Orac apply to this as well? I.e., covid-19 mortality rates are occuring predominantly in the segment of the population that is already past their average life expectancy. Would it not be more accurate to consider the CDC’s data that indicates only 6% of all covid-19 reported deaths are solely from covid-19? This would bring the covid-19 mortality rate down from 1.8% to 0.1%
After all, how often did we report people prior to 2020 as dying from “the flu” when they went to the hospital and subsequently passed away from some other comorbidity?
@ Chris Rasmus
There are a number of valid reasons why VAERS received more reports of deaths. The rise of antivaccinationists, their blogs, and social media. They lie about the COVID vaccines being rushed. They have gone through animal trials, phase 1, phase 2, and phase 3. They also lie about mRNA and S-Spike Protein. Making a number of claims that Orac has refuted in several reason posts. And antivaxxers make sure people know about VAERS. However, the CDC has teams that thoroughly investigate every VAERS reported death, including obtaining medical records. One can also look at, for instance, VAERS reported cardiovascular deaths. On average, 2300 Americans die every day from cardiovascular disease, so if, for instance, a wife loses her husband from cardiovascular disease 5 days after receiving the COVID vaccine, 11,500 Americans would have died without any vaccine; but, given all the adverse publicity, even from Fox News, etc. not surprising she would report it to VAERS. As for the flu vaccine, it has been around so long that it would be difficult, even for antivaxxers, to get people to all of a sudden attribute deaths to it.
While it is true that people over 85 were the highest number of deaths, the actual current breakdown according to Statista is:
0-17 287
18-29 2,163
30-39 6,299
40-49 16,987
50-64 87,915
65-74 125,939
75-84 156,777
85&older 171, 686
so, about a third younger than 65 and life expectancy is around 75, so about half died before. But you ignore the reports on number of cases with Long Covid, e.g., reduced lung capacity, cardiovascular problems, etc. and reports that even asymptomatic cases often suffer vascular damage, perhaps not noticeable; but potentially could develop into health problems.
However, a recent report by the University of Washington found underreporting of COVID deaths, estimating the actual number of deaths in U.S. at approximately 905,000, 50% higher than current official numbers. Yep, many had comorbidities; but even with mild congestive heart failure, Type 1 diabetes, etc. people not infected with COVID may have lived many more years. You can find the report and methodology at: University of Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. They are considered a top flight respected institute.
That’s not what the report said. The report was attempting to quantify total deaths due to the pandemic, not total deaths OF COVID:
healthdata dot org/special-analysis/estimation-excess-mortality-due-covid-19-and-scalars-reported-covid-19-deaths
Regarding b), heart disease deaths were up quite a bit this year. So were opioid and drinking deaths (c). Somewhere in my browsing history I have the CDC’s report on this.
On the radio, I now hear many PSAs about opioid addiction, mental health, telemedicine (ie, “Don’t delay help!”), and of course vaccines.
You people can say all you like, but I know that Dr. Peter McCullough is an absolute hero of the medical profession. I heard what he said about the cover ups of other treatments, how patients were told to stay at home until they were desperate to go to hospital, left untreated, so, in many cases, it was too late. He is a genuine doctor who, in allegiance to his Hippocratic oath and inspite of misjudged protocol, strived to do the very best for his patients – and he succeeded! He had the bravery and integrity to fight for what he thought was right and thank goodness for his publications which paved the way for other doctors to save the lives of their patients. All this I heard months after I had decided I would never take the mRNA gene therapy device under the guise of the term ‘vaccine’. Of course there will always be attempts to debunk Dr. McCullough’s and others’ statements by those determined to push this deadly vaccine roll out. So many adverse effects have not been reported to VAERS and how interesting that all deaths after the vaccines are deemed as coincidental while any death within 28 days of an unreliable pcr test (that throws up so many false positives to deliberately inflate the numbers) are all certified as ‘Covid’. The long term adverse effects will be seen in due course- in future weeks, months, years coming months or years, but when another virus hits as the weather gets colder, , there will be many, many deaths from the vaccinated. I just fail to understand how people can be so stupid as to take this jab without doing their proper research. May be the ignorant can be forgiven for being misled by the biased MSM which is so guilty of this terrible deception, so they will only find positive assurances, such as ‘safe and effective’ – which it is not! It is far more deadly than a virus with a less than 99.9 death rate. Similarly they are deprived of seeing comments from those who have experienced adverse effects on FB, which has censored such feedback that would do much damage to the desperate plan to vaccinate the world’s population – no doubt so desperate out of fear that people will wake up up and refuse being injected. Two whistle blowers are known to have come out because their consciences would not allow them to continue suppressing the truth, so contributing to the big lie. Do not be so brainwashed that you cannot think critically. There is a very dark agenda going on and people need to set aside their egos for the sake of humanity and the truth. That is why Dr Peter McCullough said he was not fearful in the face of adversity – because he had – and has – truth in his side.
Dr. McCullough is an opportunistic quack who CLEARLY doesn’t know what he’s talking about and is in over his head.
@ Chris Rasmus
Not long ago a report came out that approximately 60% of adults in my area had one or more comorbidites that would make them vulnerable to an airborne viral infection.
Though most of them will live much longer lives, a viral infection could cut it short. So, as with COVID, if someone dies, for instance, of heart failure at home during flu season, often no labs done; but it was the flu that done them in. And the 2009 Pandemic that seemed not to have killed many people, later research found over 10 times the number died. How do we know? Simple, take stats going back a number of years of number of deaths/divided by population at time. If suddenly you have half million more deaths or even more and there was a pandemic, either try to explain such a sudden exponential increase or it was the pandemic.
What disgusts me about people like you is how coldly and callously you dismiss the lives of others. Life is short as it is and no matter how long we have our loved ones and friends, it is never enough. As an old man I have lost all those I loved, my maternal grandparents and parents and some close friends. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about them and wished they have just lived another year or two, so when I read about all the people who have died of COVID, I think of what their loved ones are feeling and emphasize with them; but you just dismiss the deaths, that is, until you lose someone you care about, assuming you care about anyone.
@Joel A. Harrison, PhD, MPH
Your statement that “there are a number of valid reasons why VAERS received more reports of deaths”, immediately followed by an opinion, is concerning.
Your statement that “They lie about the COVID vaccines being rushed” is also concerning in light of the fact that, from my understanding at least, typical vaccine trials take anywhere from 2-6+ years before being approved for use by the FDA (
Have any of the covid vaccines been approved for fast track, breakthrough therapy, accelerated approval, or priority review by the FDA? If not, why not?
If, as you also state, the CDC has teams “thoroughly” investigating every VAER death report, then where are the results of these thorough investigations? More alarmingly, why aren’t the vaccines that through VAERS are evidencing “unusual or unexpected patterns … that might indicate possible safety problems” being PAUSED, or temporarily POSTPONED while these thorough investigations are being done?
It’s human nature, isn’t it, to single mindedly focus on ONE THING and blow it all out of proportion. It’s easy to do, and both sides do it all the time. But when you start taking multiple concerns that are all related, doesn’t that seem to indicate doing exactly what VAERS claims it is supposed to be for? Again, VAERS is “good at detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of reporting that might indicate possible safety problems that need a closer look.” (
Deaths seem to be the WORST possible report that would warrant a closer look, and common sense would seem to indicate postponing the possible cause(s) of death until more data can be gathered. Common sense seems to be lacking a LOT lately, all around (i.e., on BOTH sides of this argument).
And what disgusts me about people like YOU, Dr. Harrison, is your supposed reliance on intelligence and science, and yet you quite candidly resort to expressing opinions in place of facts. Not the least of which is your extreme low opinion of me, someone you’ve never met, never even had a conversation with, and have absolutely no clue how I feel about well, pretty much anything!
Your assumptions are assinine, at best.
I hope Dr. Orac indulges me one of my own…
Dr. Harrison, I used to think that doctors were intelligent and highly trained in the art of separating fact from fiction, at least in their particular field…until I met you.
Yeah, comments like that are really going to result in a lot of productive conversation, amirite?
I love you Dr. Harrison, as one fellow man to another, that being the least I can do with the level of mutual relationship that we currently share, and you are worthy of my respect (not because you’re a doctor) and kindness. I hope and trust you can separate my cheeky comments/tongue-in-cheek remarks from those that I’ve presented in all seriousness and earnest desire for an educated response.
I notice that you round the minimum number a bit upwards. Dishonesty, anyone ?
Covid vaccines have EUA, but manufacturers have applied for approval. Remdisivir has FDA approval, and HCQ has not.
Speaking about CDC and VAERS, read this paper:
Gee J, Marquez P, Su J, Calvert GM, Liu R, Myers T, Nair N, Martin S, Clark T, Markowitz L, Lindsey N, Zhang B, Licata C, Jazwa A, Sotir M, Shimabukuro T. First Month of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring – United States, December 14, 2020-January 13, 2021. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2021 Feb 26;70(8):283-288. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7008e3. PMID: 33630816.
Monitoring includes VAERS data. Btw, finding this paper was very easy. Why do you not check <pub<med before making statements.
[…] first “jab”, my dad experienced some mild symptoms of pain and nausea for the next 48 hours. He feels much better now, and he’s looking forward to his fully vaccinated future. At least, I’ll get to accompany him […]
[…] footnote 5, it also makes an untrue claim (citing a new false authority, Dr. McCullough, recently discussed by Orac) that suggests COVID-19 vaccine numbers are higher than the annual flu vaccination. Flu […]
[…] adverse reaction to VAERS, and antivaxxers have been weaponizing those reports, implying causation where there is none—or even a real […]
Sorry, we cant agree. The spike protein in the mrna is a toxin plain and simple. Ivermectin will make a person better and there are other ways besides toxic vaccines to treat COVID. You are misinformed and a danger to the public. Time will prove what we already know and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Get ready cause there is a storm of truth coming your way.
“A storm of truth” coming my way? Sure thing, my Q-loving anonymous troll.
You are a good example of what sadmar was talking about the other day with respect to right wing QAnon types glomming on to antivax nonsense and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 “miracle cures.”
Dr. Orac,
I still haven’t seen any cogent explanations or answers to some of my questions.
For one, my concern with your assertion about the law of large numbers. You asserted that very large numbers of covid vaccinations should yield correspondingly larger numbers of covid adverse reactions/deaths. Nobody has provided any sort of explanation about why if that were so, then in the last 25+ years with the even LARGER numbers of non-covid vaccinations one would expect even HIGHER than normal numbers of non-covid adverse reactions/deaths. I.e., “law of large numbers”.
In other words, in the last 25+ years there have been WAY more non-covid vaccinations administered than in the past 6 months of covid vaccinations. And yet the past 6 months there have been WAY more covid adverse reactions/deaths than in the past 25+ years of non-covid adverse reactions/deaths.
And yet I take it back…I apologize. There HAVE been explanations concerning this apparent discrepancy: the VAERS numbers are obviously counterfeit! My mistake. cough
Another concern is why, if [one of] the stated purpose[s] of VAERS was to serve as sort of a canary in the coal mine if you will, doesn’t there seem to be anything being done about the seeming very large numbers of comparative adverse reactions/deaths due to covid vaccinations in the last 6 months?
In other words, if VAERS is a tool used to bring attention to possible problems related to a given vaccine (especially one that has still as of 6-20-21 only received Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, why doesn’t the FDA stop the use of the covid vaccine until it has been PROVEN safe?
Which brings me to the myocarditis issues of late.
“CDC continues to recommend COVID-19 vaccination for everyone 12 years of age and older given the risk of COVID-19 illness and related, possibly severe complications, such as long-term health problems, hospitalization, and even death.”
So let me get this straight…the CDC recommends a vaccination that has FINALLY been acknowledged to produce a potentially severe adverse reaction (myocarditis) in what is predominately children, for the demographic of people who are LEAST likely to suffer from any adverse reactions from what the vaccination is for (i.e., covid). From a brief search into what myocarditis is, I have found that it can produce possibly severe complications such as “long-term health problems, hospitalization, and even death.”
Go figure. The “cure” is as bad as the disease?
Stuff like this is just…asinine?
I tried looking around, Dr. Orac, for any information you had regarding ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine, but couldn’t find much besides a link to the WHO ( and the FDA ( stating that, basically, you better not use either of these two eminently safe and efficacious drugs because, well, because we said so.
And I’m not speaking tongue in cheek!
I mean, do NONE of the following links count for diddly squat…
If not, please explain why not?
One particular holy writ has a rather wise saying (among many others!) that goes something like: the love of money is the root of all evil. It doesn’t take any kind of imagination to conclude that this saying may very well apply to a LOT of decisions that have been made and are still being made surrounding the covid vaccines. From what I understand an EUA vaccine must be removed from the market if there are any safer alternatives out there.
Again, correct me if I’m wrong (not because I’m so smug in my position, but because I’m such a nub regarding all of this stuff!)
All kinds of experts in this comment section. Awesome. Glad to know so many people know everything and their research is flawless.
Put up or shut up, Bitsy.
Orac…really? Put your name in the by-line. The day of reckoning is coming where the partial and misleading half truths will be evident to all. I personally know two people who died of the vaccine and 3 others that had severe reactions (hospitalized). I know no one who got covid 19. Those were the numbers that were severely exaggerated.
You have failed the intelligence test. Scroll to the end of this article, but before the comments.
Oh, never mind:
[…] so far as to state that COVID-19 vaccines are killing lots and lots of people in a veritable “holocaust.” So, naturally, when reports of myocarditis in young people started showing up, antivaxxers […]
[…] adverse reaction to VAERS, and antivaxxers have been weaponizing those reports, implying causation where there is none—or even a real […]
What a shame that the unequivocal proof that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin are effective cv19 prophylactica as well as treatments is being suppressed.
Dr Peter McCollough’s clarity and perspective on this whole subject is solid.
The fact that the term antivaxxers is thrown at any legitimate contrary position on the dangerous mRNA and Adenovirus GM therapies is in keeping with the myopic perspective and self serving motivations of all who condemn these opinions.
Please watch the latest Dan Astin-Gregory podcast to see how serious this is getting:
Peter McCullough? LOL.
Why cannot you cite some article, it is always podcasta.
Ivermectin is certainly not suppressed, there is actually Oxford clinical trial starting. We will know answer soon,
Dexamethasone is another generic drug, and actually useful against COVID 19. I Big Pharma did not suppress it ?
You can’t resist ending with “The law of large numbers plus intensive monitoring”. You are hilarious – you fail to realise you are talking about Covid casedemics!!
Where do these assholes come from? Piers isn’t even a special brand of stupid, just Mr. Full Caps Make the Man:
[…] features Dr. Peter McCullough on its advisory board. Dr. McCullough, as you might recall, is peddling the lie that COVID-19 vaccines are killing huge numbers of people. He also promotes an unproven drug and […]
You yourself Sir, make some false and or exagerated statements in this latest tirade… You clearly have not been keeping up to date on the latest double blind peer reviewed studies. Your black and white thinking and inability to think critically is doing you no favours. You are no better than the so called “anti vaxxers” you claim are all so wrong. There is no black and white in anything in life, theres lots of grey… Try speaking to the victims who have had extreme adverse reactions from these gene therapy injections (they are not vaccines and you know it). There is zero data on the long term side effects and my guess is you will have egg on your face within 12mnths from now. Let’s speak again then.
Please point me to the “latest double blind peer reviewed studies.” I always cubed the possibility of having missed one or two here and there.
∗checks calendar∗
Somebody certainly hasn’t been keep to date with something.
That’s a long time for you to be hauling around goalposts (and certainly harder than pressing “like” for your own comment). Sure you’re up to it?
My husband and myself have both had adverse reactions to vaccines. Hence, we are ex-vaxxers. After researching extensively I have come to the conclusion that vaccines are one of the greatest hoaxes perpetrated on mankind.
What were the reactions? How do you know the vaccines were the cause?
Unfortunately, nobody is likely to offer you a chance to contract smallpox (OK, maybe Bill Gates has a stash), but if you get a move on, there’s still some WPV1 around. Stick it to the man, baby!
What is that extensive research (did it produce citations )? Where did smallpox go ? How do you cheat death ?
[…] that Indiana has reached herd immunity, and appeared to overstate the vaccine’s risks (and promoted his own protocol for treating COVID-19, which had little evidence behind […]
[…] by agencies that report on them. As are other harms reported after COVID-19 vaccines. And these investigations do not show alarming rates of […]
[…] that COVID-19 vaccines are causing widespread death and destruction, as I’ve written about several times now going back to […]
[…] The latest antivax lie from Peter McCullough, Mike Adams, and RFK Jr.: “COVID-19 vaccines are kill… […]
Orac claims that Dr. McCollough and others are lying or mistaken about the number of adverse reactions and deaths to the vaccine. I personally know of two people one of which also knows of two people who have suffered bad reactions to the vaccine. If it is you or me then one is too many. Nonetheless, Orac accepts the claim of 600 thousand deaths from the Covid when we know that is not accurate. How do we know? Whistle blowers have come forward in telling about how if someone died in a car accident or of a heart attack but had the virus in them then it was counted as a Covid death so the medical establishment could make extra money. We also know that the # of cases is not accurate due to the faulty PCR test. So the actual # of deaths may be miniscule. Certainly not enough to need a vaccine. So if Dr. McCollough’s numbers are wrong then Orac’s/CDC’s numbers are probably VERY wrong
I take it that you don’t “personally know of” anyone who “suffered bad reactions” to SARS-CoV-2 infection. (I could have sworn that the “if you tell two” shampoo ad was Prell, but Faberge it was.)
This is TOTAL BS. That test isn’t free. Someone dies in the field…you really think we’re going to swab that dead body and…what? Charge for what? The swab? Are you dense enough to think we code “COVID” and they just give us a check even though we provided no treatment? Post a source for that whistleblower. I’d love to demolish that rubbish.
Also-you can’t just order a covid swab in the hospital unless the patient meets protocol. Why? Because they cost more than we are generally reimbursed for them. Stop talking bs. It is truly frightening that you are out there spreading this manure around shamelessly.
If there is just minuscule amount of COVID deaths. how you explain excess daths ? Epidemic of car crashes ?
[…] with an excellent safety record are no longer “experimental.”) Then there’s the dishonest appeal to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database, which deceptively ignores the […]
Question? : Oprah Winfrey, Bill Maher, Ann Coulter and David Gorski, what do they all have in common?
Answer: They are all considered “experts” in their field and ALL 4 of them spout off propaganda and lies and attempt to ridicule / discredit others in the pursuit of elevating their own status and all of them have been very successful at doing so.
They rely on the age old tactic of associating other perceived “wrong-thinking” people along with someone who actually is a valid ethical person with a well earned reputation – lumping them together to discredit the validity of the ethical / reputable person.
For instance: David Gorski has been around many rapists, criminals, shoplifters, and child molesters.
That statement is absolute fact. It just is – he treats people in the population with cancer and cancer does not discriminate between good people and bad people. So yes, he has been around them and has spent considerable time with them.
BUT is he one of them? I think NOT!
NOW, why the hell would David Gorski use that effective tactic in an attempt to discredit Dr. Peter Mc Collough who is an outstanding MD, researcher & a world renown colleague of his?
He lumps Dr. Mc Collough in with a known crazy Mike Adams and an American environmental lawyer, author, and anti-vaccine advocate RFK Jr. who also has said some pretty crazy stuff.
Aren’t there different opinions in medicine? What about residency when the attendings relentlessly pimped David Gorski as they did me? Some of those attendings were wrong damnit but they listened to your argument and wanted you to think using the Socratic method – very effective to teach critical thinking. Dissenting opinions were a plenty and through journal reviews and research we got closer to the truth. We’re not there yet on this and David’s tactic of trying to discredit Dr. Mc Collough is appalling – especially when you consider the propaganda technique he is using to discredit him. Why not challenge Dr. Mc Collough to a televised debate Mr. David “Orac” Groski? Are you afraid he’d eat your lunch – that would be my bet.
You should apologize for your extremely unprofessional behavior to Dr. Mc Coloough and everyone on this site who has read this hit piece.
A. In what way are Oprah, Maher and Coulter scientific experts, in your view? Your comparison does not hold.
B. Note that Dr. Gorski did not stop at pointing out that COVID-19 deniers are happy to collaborate with anti-vaccine activists, but debunked their claim in detail. I note you, on the other hand, did not point to anything inaccurate in the post, and were reduced to name calling.
Not the same.
C. Promoting misinformation is not having a difference of opinion. Facts are not opinions.
Um, are you claiming to be a physician?
P.S. You might want to work on spelling “McCullough.”
There’s now an even more recent and even more outrageous lie from the same moron:
ORAC your hysterical insolence certainly is not respectful… it’s not even professional. Perhaps an audit of your DOD support might clarify this.
It seems totally appropriate that your company is owned by a “skeptics” society with such an embarrassing fool as Novella as it’s chair.
As reported about Novella …”he claims to be a neurology professor at Yale University, and throws the name “Yale” around like he was throwing seed to the morning chickens – but, to me, that is an outright fabrication. Novella, evidence shows, works for a medical center that “rents” the name “Yale” from the University, who then, assuming the monthly payments are up to date, gets to claim that all their staff doctors are, in fact, professors at Yale (insert bad smell here).
In short, Novella is just another justifiably self-disappointed crap-career loser…
The reality of Novella, easily found, is that he testifies for insurance companies, and that seems to be the extent of his practice.”
ORAC you do need better owners if your going to try and take on the big boys of science… and I suggest help with your histrionics… I’m sure a friend somewhere could organise a therapist that will listen to you. Try a Freudian follower…
You’re citing Patrick “Tim” Bolen? No wonder you didn’t include a link. People would quite rightly laugh you out of the comments if they saw the source of the quote you included above:
Seriously, Bolen?
Bolen’s been a risible, ignorant fool ever since he was cancer quack Hulda Clark’s pit pull.
When Mrna was first proposed as a mechanism for creating an immune response against the Corona virus, the only place I heard anything about the possibility of the rna in these shots getting incorporated into a person’s genome was on one of Robert Kennedy’s websites, where he had a doctor in an interview state that if a person has a retrovirus in their system at the time they get the Mrna shot, the rna in the shot can use the polymerase that the retrovirus produces to invade a genome and the rna will get inserted into the person’s dna where it remains. It was bad enough that the promoters of these “vaccines” went ahead anyway. Now it turns out that you don’t even need to have a retrovirus infection to have this foreign rna inserted into your genome. Every “expert” who is promoting the covid vaccine narrative should be forced to publicly read this peer-reviewed paper out loud or post a prominent link to it in their article before being allowed to spout off – Polymerase Theta is just as effective as those in retroviruses at writing rna back into dna.
Wow, this might be one of the worst articles I’ve ever read and after I found out who wrote it, needless to say I was very unsurprised. Most people probably don’t realize who “Orac”/David H. Gorski is: a criminal doctor who writes like a 13 yo 4 chan troll and has a ripe history of medical malpractice and fraud and has probably killed many patients through his extreme arrogance and callousness(ask yourself why would a DOCTOR, behave in the type of trolling and immature behavior this man has?), trying to write a hit piece against one of the most cited and well known medical experts in the world: Peter McCullough. Peter has no history of working with criminal doctors, and has published over 500 well cited papers in his field. His expertise is considered one of the best in the world and his publications are cited internationally. His background is you know, not surrounded with thousands of articles calling him a quack, he has no history of working alongside criminals.. all of which “Orac”(short for “oracle”) is 100% guilty of.
Now lets take a look at who this loser Gorski actually is, and the facade of this pseudo scientific bullshit article will quickly fade:
“Gorski works at the Karmanos Cancer Center, the same facility where Dr. Farid Fata, a now-notorious cancer doctor, committed systematic medical homicide for profit by falsely diagnosing patients with cancer in order to profit from their “treatment.” After a federal investigation uncovered the true extent of his crimes. Dr. Fata was sentenced to 45 years in federal prison.
Fata pleaded guilty to numerous counts of Medicare and insurance fraud, soliciting kickbacks, and money laundering, and admitted publically that he had recommended medically unnecessary treatments. “I have been doing this for 30 years and this is some of the most evil conduct I have ever seen,” says Brian McKeen, the malpractice attorney representing Flagg in a separate suit.”
Ok, his colleague, that he somehow failed to report yet worked closely beside in the same clinic year after year? One might be able to make a very flimsy argument that somehow magically, Gorski had no knowledge or involvement, but considering that Farid Fata was charged with conspiracy, which is by definition multi person, it would be highly absurd to believe Gorski had no involvement, especially considering his long pattern of deranged behavior completely unfit for any doctor: Furthermore:
‘Eight others physicians have been named as part of the investigation as those who knew Fata was bilking the system.
“One of the counts he plead to was conspiracy, and one person cannot be convicted of conspiracy. There has to be co-conspirators,” said attorney Donna MacKenzie. “Who are those co-conspirators?”
MacKenzie has a growing list of cases she’s filed in Oakland County Circuit Court naming three hospitals: Crittenton, Karmanos and McLaren. The lawsuits are for medical malpractice resulting in death or other significant injuries.
“What we would like to get to the bottom of is who else knew what was going on, what did they know, when did they know it, and what did they do about it?” MacKenzie said.
All of the doctors named in the lawsuits are still practicing medicine.’
Gee I wonder who a co conspirator, who has a long history of viscious trolling behavior online, with clear psycopathic disregard for patients well being could be? To make matters even worse, the patients this clinic were mainly serving were African American. If you wanted a more clear example of “systemic racism abusing people of color”, you couldn’t find a better example. To think a medical doctor has behavior of using sock puppets to write viscious things, worked many years along side a criminal(and probably participated), and even worse used unapproved cancer treatments “that you couldnt get anywhere else”(yeah because they havent been proven safe or effective yet?) that probably killed many people.. the idea that this deranged lunatic, real life version of American Psycho isn’t behind bars yet is quite disturbing.
As for Gorski’s “credibility”, he’s a complete joke, with only two papers published with barely any citations. He is nothing more than an assistant professor, and is nowhere near the level of Peter McCullough who does not have any of this disgusting aura of evil surrounding him.
The stupid arguments presented here about vaccines are just too childish to be taken seriously, and only the ignorant uniformed fools that would trust a corrupt criminal doctor like Gorski would ever fall for them.
So many errors in your post. Here are just a few:
Let me remind my regular readers what I wrote about Dr. Fata when he was first arrested:
[…] Orac. “The latest antivax lie from Peter McCullough, Mike Adams, and RFK Jr.: ‘COVID-19 vaccines are kill…’” Respectful Insolence, 17 May […]
re ” … ‘Orac’ ( short for ‘oracle’)…”
Hah! I think that that one started on PRN broadcasts or in one of their “investigations” into SBM writers and sceptics.
It proves that they are extremely poor at research since the origin of the nym is clearly explained and hidden in plain sight.
Interestingly enough…
“Orac’s name seems to be derived from Oracle, and Orac claimed to be able to predict the future with great accuracy.”
Orac, when trying to read through all the information out there, and see who touts this or that appeoach, and to test which sources are most credible, I’ve found myself on your blog.
However, I must say, it does not let much to the credibility of your points when you like to long withdrawn studies (which the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine, e.g. Boulware et al.).
Moreover, many of the arguments you make, are either asserted as fact, without reference, or link to reference which themselves have been refuted, withdrawn, proven false in the long term, or don’t even apply to the point you were making.
So… it’s looking more and more like you are propagating your own misinformation. For example, the AAPS. You’re using as hominem attacks to try and distract from the information that society is publishing, without directly countering their claims. Why is that?
I bet he linked to old disproven old stuff to gloat about being right about old disproven old stuff being wrong. That is what I would have done. That does not excuse his general nastyness, I get it. I hurt with you, brother.
I think you may enjoy some Clive Barker, ‘specially Weave World.
blockquote>However, I must say, it does not let [sic] much to the credibility of your points when you like [sic] to long withdrawn studies (which the [sic] Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine, e.g. Boulware et al.).
Boulware has been withdrawn? Might as well pony up the Lancet one while you’re at it.
It saves time.
Seriously, the AAPS’s track record is one of unremitting idiotic bullshit. If you think there is any value in what these lunatics state, tell us what you find so convincing. That could be VERY interesting.
Very much this.
You may want too tell us when Boulware et al was retracted.
[…] severity of COVID-19 that so much resembles how antivaxxers minimized the severity of the measles, misuse of the VAERS database to attribute harms to the COVID-19 vaccine that are very likely coincidental, false claims that […]
[…] questioned the safety and efficacy of COVID vaccines have been targeted by large media outlets and others as not […]
[…] that occurs without vaccines and would have occurred without vaccination. They then use that to falsely attribute tens of thousands of deaths to COVID-19 vaccines when the number of deaths that might actually be attributed to the vaccines is […]
[…] such as the misuse of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database; claims that vaccines kill, cause infertility in girls, and the like; fear mongering over vaccines selecting for more deadly […]
[…] to spreading COVID-19 misinformation, such as claims that COVID-19 vaccines are leading to a “holocaust“, causing cancer, and promoting a “depopulation […]
[…] head in Wuhan, China. Dr. Peter McCullough has also been featured here for his prediction of a “vaccine holocaust” in which COVID-19 vaccines lead to “depopulation“. It’s a claim driven by dumpster diving […]
[…] Peter McCullough, a quack whom we’ve met before who likes to claim that COVID-19 vaccines are deadly and that his protocols reduce the death rate from COVID-19 by 86%. I’ve discussed the study […]