Announcements Blogging

Science-Based Medicine is down

Given how many of you read this blog and Science-Based Medicine, I thought I should make an announcement. Sometime earlier this morning after 7 AM but before around 10 AM, the Science-Based Medicine blog went down, returning only a cryptic message saying that the site has been “suspended.” The SBM team is aware of the […]

Entertainment/culture Medicine Popular culture Science Television

Atomic cold cream

Somehow I don’t think any cosmetics company today could get away with doing an experiment like this to prove how well its cold cream cleans the most dirt and makeup residue from a model’s skin. I’d also really love a copy of the “Atomic Test Booklet” that people could mail the company to request. You’d […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Report a bad doctor to the authorities, go to jail?

I just found out via one of the mailing lists I’m on of a very disturbing case in Kermit, Texas. Two nurses who were dismayed and disturbed by a physician peddling all manner of herbal supplements reported him to the authorities. Now, they are facing jail: In a stunning display of good ol’ boy idiocy […]

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Why you should get vaccinated against the seasonal flu anyway, despite H1N1

Even with the H1N1 pandemic flu going around you should still be vaccinated against the seasonal flu. revere has the details. I guess that means Dr. Doug Bremner must think that revere is an idiot. After all, Bremner tells us that the flu vaccine is all a plot for big pharma to make money, don’t […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Nicholas Gonzalez’ response to the failed trial of the Gonzalez protocol: Disingenuous nonsense

Pity poor Nick Gonzalez. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. After having used the same line when discussing the hugely enjoyable humiliation of the Godfather of HIV/AIDS denialism, Peter Duesberg, I couldn’t resist using the same line to introduce my response to Dr. Gonzalez’s woo-ful whine in response to the publication of the disastrous (for him and […]