Blogging Politics

Could Kos be more of an idiot? No.

The answer is no, given his position on the Kathy Sierra case and the death threats she received and the online savaging to which she was subjected. Kos attacks calls for a bloggers’ code of conduct. This is actually the one point where I tend agree with him. It wouldn’t help the situation and would […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Your tax dollars at work: Tai Chi as an immune booster?

If you ever want to wonder why I’m sometimes of the mind that the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine should be disbanded and its functions distributed among the other Institutes of the NIH, you just have to consider the sorts of woo-filled studies (like the Gonzalez protocol) funded by NCCAM mixed in among […]

Announcements Skepticism/critical thinking

The 58th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle: I’ve got a whole lot of woo for you…

It’s that time again, and Geek Counterpoint has delivered the woo for you (and how!) in the 58th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle. Head on over for your fix of rational thought applied liberally to dubious claims, all expertly administered and arranged for your edification. Next up is previous two-time host Pooflingers Anonymous. The Pooflinger […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Television

Media medicine: Arghh!

I sometimes wonder if those doctors who do health segments for various TV news outlets are “real” doctors, given the sorts of things they actually say. Oh, Dr. Dean Edell is a pretty evidence-based guy most of the time (one of his finest moments being his takedown of Dr. Lorraine Day on the air), but […]

Humor Skepticism/critical thinking

Dumbest vegetarian ever?

This particular woman makes the case that she deserves the title: I think she wins hands down, don’t you? She must be one of those pollo-vegetarians. Because, after all, chickens aren’t “animals.”