Complementary and alternative medicine EneMan Humor Medicine

Fool or real? Chiropractic treatment fights global warming

Given that my attempt last year to pull an April Fool’s Day gag fooled no one and in essence went over like the proverbial lead balloon, I’m chastened enough not to try it again this year. Maybe by next year, I’ll get up the nerve again. In the meantime, this little gem came through a […]

Humor Intelligent design/creationism Skepticism/critical thinking

Dr. Egnor an elaborate April Fool’s joke?

This Panda’s Thumb entry makes me wonder if I was wasting my time with all those rebuttals of Dr. Michael Egnor’s astoundingly ignorant attacks on “Darwinism.” Could it be that Dr. Egnor really was just pulling our legs all along? I have to admit that it seems plausible. After all, how could a man like […]

Politics Religion

More people unclear on the concept

Palm Sunday seems an opportune time to mention how religious sensitivity all too often seeks to muzzle artistic expression and freedom of speech in the U.S. You may have heard of Cosimo Cavallaro’s 200 lb. milk chocolate sculpture of Jesus on the cross called My Sweet Lord that was getting religious nutcase Bill Donohue so […]