Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Antivax tech bro Steve Kirsch “reinvents” challenging a scientific consensus

Tech bro turned antivax propagandist Steve Kirsch reinvents how to challenge a scientific consensus, basically offering $1 million to reinvent the wheel.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Bogus “challenges” to prove the scientific consensus: The M.O. of a crank

Cranks love ’em: Cash “challenges” demanding that skeptics and scientists “prove” the scientific consensus. Of course, these challenges are always rigged.

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

How antivaxers deceptively don the mantle of “vaccine safety activists”

Antivaxers like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. bend over backwards to represent themselves as “not antivaccine.” Don’t believe them. They are. It’s how they suck in the clueless, like Robert De Niro and Pratik Chougule.

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert De Niro issue a $100,000 vaccine “challenge.” It’s every bit as much as scam as Jock Doubleday’s “vaccine challenge” was a decade ago.

Longtime vaccine advocates will likely remember Jock Doubleday’s “vaccine challenge,” in which he offered up to $150,000 to anyone who would drink a body-weight calibrated dose of the vaccine additives in the childhood vaccine schedule. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert De Niro have teamed up to issue a challenge every bit as nonsensical from a scientific standpoint, with the added bonus of its being a scam as well.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Movies Politics Pseudoscience Skepticism/critical thinking

In which Andrew Wakefield and Del Bigtree’s antivaccine documentary VAXXED is reviewed…with Insolence!

Andrew Wakefield, with the help of Del Bigtree, has directed and released an antivaccine propaganda “documentary.” It’s so blatant in its manipulation of facts that it would make Leni Reifenstahl blush.