Antivaccine nonsense Cancer Medicine Quackery

Mark Sircus tries to rebrand quackery as “natural allopathic medicine”

The term “allopathic medicine” was invented by homeopaths in the 19th century as a disparaging term for medicine. So to see a quack like Mark Sircus try to coopt it as “natural allopathic medicine” is quite something.

Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Medicine Naturopathy Quackery

Throwing everything but the kitchen sink, quackery-wise, at Ebola

You know how I sometimes lament that I’ve been writing too much about the hijinx of the antivaccine movement, its crimes against reason, science, and medicine? It’s become a bit of a trope around here at times, to the point where, when I bring it up, I tell myself I shouldn’t be repeating myself so […]