Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

America’s Quack Dr. Oz, Dr. Joseph Ladapo, and the failure of medical academia

Earlier this week, Mother Jones published an article about Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate Dr. Oz’s (a.k.a. America’s Quack) promotion of antivax quack Joe Mercola, who is now a leading source of COVID-19 disinformation. We warned you about this when it happened. Few listened.

Antivaccine nonsense Computers and social media Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery

ABIM vs. medical disinformation: A day late and a dollar short or better late than never?

Last month, the New England Journal of Medicine published an editorial by the President of ABIM discussing how the board certification can be taken away from diplomates who spread medical misinformation. Is this too little, too late?

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Geoff Pain vs. The Wellness Company and RFK Jr.: I do so love a good crank fight!

Crank fight! Dr. Geoff Pain attacks RFK Jr.’s antivax org Children’s Health Defense for being in the pocket of big pharma. Hilarity ensues.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Quackery

Antivax quacks: It’s always (also) about the grifter and grift

When it comes to the behavior of antivax quacks, I like to say: Come for the quackery and ideology, stay for the grift. A Washington Post story this week confirms this characterization.

Bad science Clinical trials Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

“Real world evidence” vs. COVID-19?

Joel Hirschhorn argues that the feds should have used “real world evidence” per the 21st Century Cures Act to approve the use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19. It’s the same argument acupuncturists use to promote their quackery.