Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Homeopathy Naturopathy Quackery

Do you believe in magic in medicine?

Sometimes, between blogging, a demanding day (and night) job doing surgery and science, and everything else, I embarrass myself. Sure, sometimes I embarrass myself by saying something that, in retrospect, I wish I hadn’t. More often, I embarrass myself by letting things slide that I shouldn’t. For instance, when friends send me a prepublication copy […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Quackery

What is the role of NCCAM at the NIH? Dr. Killen tries to explain.

I’d like to publicly thank Dr. John Killen, Jr. I was looking for something to write about yesterday evening, and, just when I was beginning to despair that I might have to do another post on the lunacy that is antivaccine nonsense (even I get tired of taking on antivaccine idiocy, as regular readers know), […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The ultimate in “integrative medicine,” updated

Orac note: This is an updated post that appeared a few months ago. Events occurred that led me to think it would be a good idea simply to expand and update it. It’s been a recurring theme on this blog to discuss and dissect the infiltration of quackademic medicine into our medical schools. Whether it […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Regularity über alles, revisited

File this under “Well, duh!” In thinking about “alternative” medicine, occasionally I contemplate the deepest, most profound questions having to do with health and healing, the difference between science-based medicine and evidence-based medicine, and how to maximize the therapeutic effect of scientifically validated treatments. Other times, I contemplate the question of just what is, based […]

Cancer Medicine

Where does Georgetown get the money?

Last week, upon arriving back at my office after a day in clinic, I noticed an odd box sitting in my “in” box. I didn’t recall having ordered anything recently, and my first thought was that an order for the laboratory had somehow been delivered to my office instead of my lab by mistake. It’s […]