
Grand Rounds Vol. 2 No. 29

Grand Rounds Vol. 2 No. 29 has been posted over at Anxiety, Addiction, and Depression Treatments. As always, there’s lots of good stuff over there for your reading pleasure. And don’t forget that tomorrow there’s a new Tangled Bank–and the day after that a brand spanking-new Skeptics’ Circle to look forward to.


Speaking of foreign bodies in bodily orifices…

Recently, I mentioned a case of fishing line inserted in a patient’s urethra that had to be removed by a urologist. Now I’ve become aware of an even odder case, of a woman who managed to hide a loaded pistol in her vagina. She managed to go through a pat-down: Move over, Bond girls. A […]


A very poo-filled Skeptics’ Circle

Just a reminder that the Skeptics’ Circle is fast approaching. This time, it’s hosted once again by a guy who goes by the name of The Pooflinger, and it’s set to be flung at the blogosphere next Thursday, April 13. Submissions are due sometime in the evening next Wednesday. As you may recall, The Pooflinger […]


R.I.P. Hal

R.I.P. Hal. At least you had a good romp before the end.

Medicine Politics Science

One more chance to support the NIH

Sadly, unlike my post a couple of hours ago, this is not an April Fools jest. Evolgen previously reported on the success of the Specter-Harkin Amendment in the Senate to change a completely flat National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget containing actual real cuts to the budget of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to one […]