Humor News of the Weird Skepticism/critical thinking

PETA outdoes itself in sheer insanity

File this under You Can’t Make Stuff Like This Up. Just when I think People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) can’t get any more zany or ridiculous in its never-ending battle against meat eating, it comes up with a gem like sending a request to the jail where a cannibal killer is being […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

Oh, no, it’s Big Pharma Man!

Cectic tells us why we should be afraid: But who will save us from this menace? Click on the picture to see!

Humor Science fiction/fantasy

Doctor Who: Revolutionary or tool of The Man?

Charlie Anders seeks to answer that very question: (Click on the graph above to go to the full size original graph, which graphs the frequency of stories per season in which the Doctor is portrayed as overthrowing the government or the status quo or foments a rebellion.) Although the arch-conservatism of the John Pertwee-era Doctor […]

EneMan Humor

A blog mascot seeks a new career for a new year

It’s a new year. Overall, 2007 was a good year for Respectful Insolence. When I first started this whole blogging thing, I had no idea that I’d still be at it three years later. Moreover, I had no idea that I’d still be able to produce posts good enough that people still want to read […]

Entertainment/culture Humor Science fiction/fantasy Television

Now that makes for a complicated holiday gathering

If you think spending the holidays with your family is stressful, imagine what it might be like for the Doctor: By the way, I’ve managed to check out the Doctor Who Christmas Special. By and large it’s pretty good; maybe I’ll post a review sometime in the next few days, while I’m taking it fairly […]