History Humor World War II

Churchill or Hitler?

You can probably manage to tell a Picasso from a Monet. But can you do the same for Churchill and Hitler? Inquiring minds want to know. The website’s Swiss, and it’s written in German, but you should be able to figure it out. Just click on one of the four painting to get started and […]

History Humor Politics

What if John Adams had had access to YouTube in 1800?

Would it have looked something like this? And how would Thomas Jefferson have countered? (Hat tip to Spinning Clio.)

Anti-Semitism History Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

The ultimate “Zionist” conspiracy

If you’ve hung out in forums where Holocaust deniers, 9/11 Truthers, and other conspiracy theorists hang out, as I have done, one thing you’ll notice is that these particular purveyors of dubious conspiracy-mongering seem to have a particular love of demonizing Jews (or, as the smarter ones tend to call them in order to try […]

Biology History Intelligent design/creationism Religion Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Does anyone teach history anymore?

This video would argue that the answer to the question in the title is no: “I don’t think anything predated Christians”? What about Judaism? You know, the Old Testament, the book in which, Christians say, many prophecies of Jesus’ coming were made? I’d try to reassure myself that she’s just more ignorant than average about […]

History Holocaust Medicine World War II

Atheists and Jews and eugenics before World War II: Greg’s joking, right?

I’m always loathe to criticize a fellow ScienceBlogger, but, as the resident World War II buff and tireless debunker of Holocaust denial, I couldn’t let this one pass. While perusing the Last 24 Hours feed yesterday, I came across a most curious statement in a slapdown by Greg Laden of an attempt by Bruce Chapman […]