Complementary and alternative medicine Hitler Zombie Quackery Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

Scientology and psychiatry: Even the Hitler Zombie wouldn’t touch this one

When I learned of this, I had been highly tempted trot out everybody’s favorite undead Führer for a little fun with the Church of Scientology‘s latest antics. Indeed, when you find out what I’m about to discuss, you’ll see why it was a candidate for the loving chomp of his rotting jaws. Heck, I even […]

Hitler Zombie Humor News of the Weird

The Hitler Zombie approves…

…of this: Horror film fans dressed up to look like an army of the undead have been stomping the streets of Brisbane, Australia, in an annual Zombie Walk. Spattered with fake blood and their faces painted a deathly white, the “Zombies” staggered across the city to the botanical gardens. The event originated in North America […]

Hitler Zombie Religion Skepticism/critical thinking

The Zombie Courtier’s reply

After having pontificated a bit longer than perhaps I should have about why Richard Dawkins’ treatment of the execution of Saddam Hussein as a missed opportunity for psychological or historical research was so misguided, I thought it might be time to take a more pro-Dawkins tilt. After all, even though the majority of my posts […]

Hitler Zombie Music

Methinks the Hitler Zombie has a new theme song…

Whether they know it or not, Pharyngula and Mixing Memory may have provided our undead Führer with a catchy new theme song. Yes, I know. You might think the Hitler Zombie would be more partial to martial music with a Triumph des Willens sort of feel to it. The problem is, I don’t think there […]

Evolution History Hitler Zombie Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Science Skepticism/critical thinking World War II

Hitler Zombie massacre over evolution, part 2: Unexpected victims

Note: If you’re not familiar with the Hitler Zombie, here are two posts to introduce you to the creature, with the most recent installment of his terror here, in which Orac narrowly escaped the creature. And, now, the adventures (if you can call them that) continue…. PRELUDE: SEVERAL MONTHS AGO It was a dreary, overcast […]