Biology Evolution Science

Geez, give a guy tenure…

…and suddenly he reveals his true stripes. Oh, well, at least the Hitler Zombie hasn’t eaten Jason’s brain, as he has so many of the others who complain about being Expelled! Yet. Thanks, Jason. I needed the laugh after the events of yesterday and today. Oh, and congratulations on getting tenure!

Anti-Semitism Entertainment/culture Evolution History Holocaust Holocaust denial Intelligent design/creationism Movies Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The Darwin-Hitler claim as a form of Holocaust denial, revisited

Yesterday, I did a rather long post that used as its introduction an assertion by bioethicist Arthur Caplan in a review of the anti-evolution propaganda movie Expelled! that the claim that Darwinism led more or less directly to the Holocaust is a form of Holocaust denial. In my post, I concluded that I don’t agree […]

Anti-Semitism Biology Entertainment/culture Evolution History Holocaust Holocaust denial Medicine Movies Science

Bioethicist Art Caplan: The Darwin-Hitler claim is a form of “Holocaust denial”

I knew there was a reason why I like bioethicist Art Caplan. Leave it to him not to be afraid not only to wander a bit afield of medicine than usual but also to call it as he sees it, mainly his argument for why Expelled! and its claim that “Darwinism” led directly to the […]

Biology Evolution Humor Religion Science

Richard Dawkins and the Age of the Machine

Hilarious, particularly “big-pimpin’” Daddy Dennett: I can’t make up my mind if it’s meant to skewer Dawkins or whether it’s meant ironically as a way of making fun of ID creationists and how they view Dawkins…

Anti-Semitism Bioethics Biology Entertainment/culture Evolution History Holocaust Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Movies Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking World War II

A question for Ben Stein: Why are you singling out Darwin and ignoring the true inspirations for the Holocaust, Pasteur and Koch?

Nasal drone Ben Stein, as you would be hard-pressed not to know if you are a regular reader of ScienceBlogs, is hosting what looks to be a truly execrable crap-fest called Expelled!: No Intelligence Allowed. The movie basically consists of two themes: (1) Whining about “intellectual oppression” by those evil “Darwinists” directed against any valiant […]