Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Politics Popular culture

Vaccine Injury Epidemic (VIE) Event: Antivaxers will march on Washington again

Antivaxers are going to descend on Washington for their Vaccine Injury Epidemic (VIE) Event in November. Meet the new antivax march, same as the old antivaccine march.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Pseudoscience

Another study shows that autism is mainly genetic. Antivaxers go crazy.

This month the largest epidemiological study of its kind was published and concluded, once again, that autism is primarily due to genes and that the environmental component of autism risk is small. Not surprisingly, once again antivaxers didn’t want to hear that message.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Politics Pseudoscience

Marianne Williamson is antivaccine, period.

Marianne Williamson is running for the Democratic nomination for President. Unfortunately, she is an antivaxer, her denials and not-pologies notwithstanding. Don’t be fooled.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Vaccine holocaust: The wildest antivaccine conspiracy theory ever. It even has aliens!

Mike Adams made a video about the “vaccine holocaust.” It’s the wildest antivaccine conspiracy theory ever. It even has aliens, and there are people dropping dead in the streets like in “The Omega Man.” All it needs are mutants. Where’s Charlton Heston when you need him?

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Quackery

Why did the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities elect antivaccine quack Yehuda Shoenfeld to its ranks?

Last month, the Israeli Academy of Science and Humanities elected antivax quack Yehuda Shoenfeld to its ranks? Why and how could this have happened?