Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine

Jenny McCarthy weighs in about Andrew Wakefield–with predictable results

The fallout from Brian Deer’s further revelations of the scientific fraud that is anti-vaccine hero Andrew Wakefield continues apace. Remember last week, when I wrote about the first article of the two-part series enumerating the various ways that Andrew Wakefield committed scientific fraud in putting together the case series that became the basis of his […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics Quackery

Jared Lee Loughner a “Manchurian candidate”? Adams goes further down the rabbit hole

Remember how early this morning I posted about Mike Adam’s despicable and ghoulish attempt to seize on the tragedy of the shooting of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) by Jared Lee Loughner as a way of blaming the pharmaceutical industry and government for his violent rampage and intentionally conflating the decrying of violent rhetoric that […]

Medicine Politics Quackery

Mike Adams sinks to a new low

I’ve written a lot about Mike Adams, the man who founded and has been one of the most prominent promoters of quackery on the Internet. Indeed, Mike Adams appears to be battling it out with Joe Mercola for the title of owning the biggest quackery website on the Internet. There’s one area, however, where […]

Humor Medicine Surgery

Snow White and the Seven Surgeons

Just so you know, I claim the title of Mopey. Either that, or Sleepy, even though I’m not a trauma surgeon or OB/GYN.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

As Andrew Wakefield’s defenders circle the wagons

If my post today is a bit shorter on the usual Respectfully and not-so-Respectfully Insolent verbiage that you’ve come to know and love (or hate), I hope you’ll forgive me. It’s hard not to sit back, rest a bit, and enjoy the spectacle of Andrew Wakefield being pilloried in the press in the wake of […]