Anti-Semitism Blogging Holocaust denial Politics


On Wednesday, in response to really bad analogy attacking the NAACP and the Black and Hispanic Congressional Caucuses, I wrote a rather lengthy post that attempted to educate the rather clueless blogger by the name of LaShawn Barber who had produced the rant about how the white nationalist teen singing duo Prussian Blue (who, according […]


Where’s the gravy train?

Fellow ScienceBlogger Janet Stemwedel, in reference to the declining NIH budget, asks: Hey, where’d that gravy train go? She makes a number of good points and the article she references discusses Case Western Reserve University, where I spent eight years doing residency and graduate school. I may very well have more to say on this […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Paranormal Pseudoscience Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Thirsty for the truth? Visit the 38th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle!

It’s that time again, time for the 38th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle. Thirsty? Well, LBBP over at Skeptic Rant offers parched skeptics a fine assortment of beverages including Satire Cider, Quack Quencher, Woo Brew, and Creationist Tonic, among others. It’s just the cool, refreshing dose of critical thinking to quench that skeptical thirst that’s […]

Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Still more evidence that vaccines don’t cause autism

The mercury militia and MMR scaremongers aren’t going to like this, not one bit. What should greet my in box upon my arrival at work after a long Fourth of July weekend, but an alert of a new study of a large population of children in Canada that utterly failed to find an epidemiological link […]

Blogging Humor Science

Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades (and thermonuclear weapons)

This week’s issue of Nature features a list of the top five science blogs, based on Technorati rankings for number of incoming links, narrowly defining its science blogs as blogs written by working scientists. Not surprisingly, a ScienceBlogs blog Pharyngula came out on top at number one, followed by that stalwart resource for information about […]