Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine

Steve Kirsch: Vaccines cause The Trans and The Gay!

Just when I thought Steve Kirsch couldn’t get any more ridiculous, he does another online survey linking vaccines to The Gay and The Trans, this one even more risibly incompetent than his usual.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

How to identify most antivaxxers with a simple question

Here’s a helpful question to determine if someone saying “I’m not antivax” is either fooling themselves or lying.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics

“The Control Group”: A litigation-driven antivaccine survey of the “unvaccinated”

Antivaxxers are now flogging a litigation-driven “survey” called The Control Group Pilot Study to “prove” the unvaccinated are healthier. It’s a “study” even more utterly worthless than the usual antivax “science.”

Antivaccine nonsense Homeopathy

COVID-19 vaccine “shedding” might as well be homeopathy

An antivaxxer by the ‘nym “A Midwestern Doctor” makes an argument that COVID-19 vaccine “shedding” is not impossible despite the basic science that concludes it is. Sound familiar?

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Politics Popular culture

Vaccine Injury Epidemic (VIE) Event: Antivaxers protest the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986

Yesterday, antivaxers held a protest event on the Mall in Washington, DC that they called the Vaccine Injury Epidemic (VIE) Event. Misnformation flowed fast and furious.