Antivaxxers are now flogging a litigation-driven “survey” called The Control Group Pilot Study to “prove” the unvaccinated are healthier. It’s a “study” even more utterly worthless than the usual antivax “science.”

Antivaxxers are now flogging a litigation-driven “survey” called The Control Group Pilot Study to “prove” the unvaccinated are healthier. It’s a “study” even more utterly worthless than the usual antivax “science.”
In the course of just a couple days, a pair of atrociously incompetent studies by Andrew Wakefield fanboy Anthony Mawson were published and retracted by a predatory open access publisher. Surveying the reactions of antivaccine activists, I can’t help but conclude that their tears of unfathomable sadness are delicious.
I don’t have many “rules” per se about blogging, but one informal rule that I do live by is that I never blog about a study if all I can access is the abstract. In general, I insist on having the complete study before I will blog it, because to me the abstract isn’t enough. […]