Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

RFK Jr. has a brainworm? This explains an awful lot

A New York Times article reports that in his divorce proceedings a decade ago, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. argued that hais earning potential had decreased because he had had a brainworm. This explains an awful lot.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Donald Trump and the return of the antivax “monster shot”

Donald Trump called Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to try to gain his support. During the call, he repeated antivax tropes that he’s been repeating since 2007. A second Trump administration would be a public health disaster.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

Something I never thought I’d see: RFK Jr. is apparently running for President

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is apparently planning to challenge President Biden for the Democratic Presidential nomination. WTF is going on?

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Antivax tech bro Steve Kirsch “reinvents” challenging a scientific consensus

Tech bro turned antivax propagandist Steve Kirsch reinvents how to challenge a scientific consensus, basically offering $1 million to reinvent the wheel.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

A “not antivax” COVID-19 contrarian: “RFK Jr. makes ‘reasonable’ points”

Podcaster Joe Rogan conveyed a “debate” challenge by antivax conspiracy theorist RFK Jr. to Dr. Peter Hotez. COVID-19 contrarian Dr. Vinay Prasad, wanting to be on Rogan’s podcast, sucked up to both, saying RFK Jr. made many “reasonable” points. What gives? And should scientists ever agree to debate cranks?