Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Clot nonsense weaponized against COVID-19 vaccines

Mike Adams finally reports on the composition of the “COVID-19 vaccine”-induced blood clot. Hilarity ensues, as it usually does whenever Adams gets near a science lab.

I’ve been writing about Mike Adams and his promotion of pseudoscience, antivaccine misinformation, quackery, and conspiracy theories on his main website Natural News and its many affiliated websites and social media accounts since around 2006. When last we left Adams, he had gone all Christian evangelical conspiracy theorist when he portrayed the large metal bull used as a mascot for the British Commonwealth Games a couple of weeks ago as evidence that Baal or Satan (or both) had taken over the world. At the time, I pointed out that Natural News really should be called the Weekly World News, except that in its heyday almost nobody took Weekly World News seriously or as anything other than entertainment ro read while waiting in a checkout lane at the supermarket, while Adams himself has a distressing number of followers who believe much of the utter bilge he churns out day after day. Before that, teaming with another crank named Jane Ruby, Adams had been trying to blame COVID-19 vaccines for causing blood clots, even going so far as to show clot photomicrographs that only served to demonstrate how incompetent he is at microscopy.

When last I discussed Adams’ misadventures looking at a blood clot under the microscope, I noted that he had claimed that he had done mass spectrometry on the blood clots supposedly taken from “victims” of COVID-19 vaccines after they died in order to “prove” that the clot composition was inconsistent with the supposed “COVID-19 vaccine clots” having come from blood. Basically, his claims, based on misinterpretation of light microscopy and the results of his mass spectrometry were that the clots did not derive from blood and contained what he claimed to be “nanowires” and other things that he couldn’t explain. It never occurred to him, apparently, to ask some real pathologists to look at his microscope slides or even a single clot, and I’m still not clear on why he gram stained the clots instead of staining them with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), as most tissue sections are stained for histological analysis. In any event, after his having failed to understand the difference between what postmortem clots look like compared to clots that had formed while the person was still alive, when last we left Adams, he had promised to publish a complete report of his clot analysis by mass spectrometry that very same week.

Three weeks later, Adams has finally delivered his report under a typically breathless title of. EXCLUSIVE: Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots. Remember how I made fun of Mike Adams years ago for using his secondhand mass spectrometer to look for heavy metals in vaccines and lead in Flint water? This “clot analysis” is more of the same. I’m not an expert in mass spectrometry by any stretch of the imagination. I do, however, have a BS in chemistry, studied advanced biochemistry, have a PhD in cellular physiology, and am an MD, a background that allows me to spot glaring holes in Adams’ analysis even without being an analytical chemist or expert in mass spectrometry. Before I even dig in to the hilarious details, let me just ask any of my readers who do have expertise in mass spectrometry to read Adams’ report and—shall we say?—report back to me in the comments.

Adams begins with his usual hyperbole:

We are now releasing ICP-MS lab test results that compare the elemental composition of human blood to the elemental composition of a clot sample taken from the body of a person who received a covid vaccination and then subsequently died. This clot was provided by embalmer Richard Hirschman, and these clots are being widely reported in the bodies of people who have “died suddenly” in the weeks or months after receiving one or more covid vaccinations.

According to rigorous analysis based on excess death data — summarized nicely by Steve Kirsh at Substack — there are currently around 10,000 people dying each day from covid vaccines. Anywhere from 5 to 12 million fatalities have likely occurred worldwide so far, and with these self-assembling clots continuing to gain size and mass inside the bodies of those who have received the mRNA experimental medicine injections, it is certain that many people who have not yet died from the vaccines will experience death in the coming months and years.

That last bit about Steve Kirsch‘s claims is probably worth a post on its own, because this is a bit of misinformation that seems to be growing and spreading. Basically, Kirsch has of late been claiming that COVID-19 vaccines are killing people way faster than the Nazis killed Jews during the Holocaust, coming up with a figure as high as 12 million dead in under two years, 600,000 in the US alone. (By way of comparison, that number is in the same ballpark as the number of people in the US who die every year of cardiovascular disease or cancer.) Basically, Kirsch keeps finding ways to blame more and more deaths on COVID-19 vaccines, never mind that if the vaccines were really killing that many people that fast public health officials would notice quickly, and it would be impossible to cover up.

Richard Hirschman is worth mentioning again, however, as he is an embalmer who claimed to have found these clots in bodies when he aspirated blood out of the corpse during the embalming process and assumed that they were due to COVID-19 vaccines, even though morticians and embalmers rarely know the vaccination status of the deceased whose remains they are embalming and, given that COVID-19 infection itself can cause abnormal clotting, is more likely, if this observation is actually anything more than just anecdotal, to be due to COVID-19 than any vaccine.

Finally, before I look at Adams’ numbers, I’ll note that he purchased this equipment nine years ago. As I pointed out at the time, Adams purchased an inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). Mass spectrometry is a technique that produces spectra of the masses of the atoms and/or molecules comprising a sample of material. Basically, MS ionizes the molecules and measures what is known as the mass-to-charge ratio, from which the molecular weight of the atom or molecule can be determined. The signal is produces by a mechanism that can detect charged particles, and the relative abundance of ions is determined. These can be correlated with known masses and characteristic fragmentation patterns demonstrated by various molecules. Mass spectrometry is, as you might imagine, particularly useful for quantifying the content of various elements, particularly metals, because there is much less interpretation involved than in looking the peaks produced by the technique and trying to correlate them to fragments from larger biological molecules. It can be done, but it’s clearly beyond the limited skillset of an amateur like Mike Adams.

As a result, Adams restricts his analysis mainly to metals and trace elements. First, though, he has to brag:

Dr. Ruby connected us with Hirschman and helped arrange for the clot samples which we have tested via ICP-MS in our ISO-accredited, 17025 approved laboratory which specializes in food and water analysis.

In full disclosure, our laboratory is accredited, audited, inspected and validated for ICP-MS testing in food and water samples, as well as other areas such as cannabinoid quantitation analysis in hemp extract samples. However, the accreditation scope of our lab does not specifically encompass human biological samples, as we do not offer such testing to the public. Nevertheless, we routinely test dog food and cat food samples which are, of course, composed of animal flesh and ground blood vessels, meat tissue, cartilage and other animal-derived biological structures, and we are using the exact same sample preparation, digestion, analysis and reporting methods for post-vaccine clot samples. We also routinely test beef, poultry, fish and other meat samples. Thus, we are highly confident in the accuracy of these results. Furthermore, we did not see any failures during the sample prep process. The entire clot was dissolved in nitric acid, meaning its elements went into solution and were able to be analyzed via ICP-MS.

I can’t help but point out here that all this accreditation means is that the lab is maintained adequately and technically competent, meaning that its numbers are accurate and reproducible. It says nothing about the actual experimental design or the interpretation of the results. Elsewhere, Adams brags about this accreditation:

ISO 17025 accreditation is granted by third party accreditation bodies after extensive auditing, proficiency testing and other rigorous compliance activities. Not only is CWC Labs now accredited ISO 17025, but we have achieved this milestone through one of the world’s most recognized international accreditation bodies known as Perry John Laboratory Accreditation, Inc. (PJLA).*

I tried Googling “Perry John Laboratory Accreditation” and came up with nothing but other certificates, like the one Adams links to. Then I looked at it and saw that it said, “Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation.” That name sounded very familiar, and the address was in the Detroit metropolitan area; so I went to the website, where I found this video:

No! Not that Perry Johnson!

So it was that Perry Johnson! This is a guy who ran for the Republican Michigan gubernatorial nomination, billing himself as a businessman and a “quality guru” but failed to get on the ballot when his petitions submitted to the State Board of Canvassers were found to have numerous obviously invalid and even fraudulent signatures. He blamed the company that he had hired to gather the nominating signatures, but let’s just say that this incident made me seriously question this guy’s credibility as any sort of “quality guru.”

For the moment, though, let’s assume that Adams’ accreditation from PJLA is valid. So what? First, it’s only for elemental analysis; it does not accredit him to handle biological or medical samples. Adams even admits that he does not have accreditation to analyze “human biological samples,” but tries to wave away that problem by saying that “we routinely test dog food and cat food samples which are, of course, composed of animal flesh and ground blood vessels, meat tissue, cartilage and other animal-derived biological structures, and we are using the exact same sample preparation, digestion, analysis and reporting methods for post-vaccine clot samples.” Of course, sample preparation is very important for mass spectrometry, as you will see.

Basically, all this accreditation says is that Adams has the minimum skill level of a technician in that he can take a specimen and produce an accurate measurement of, for instance, how much lead or mercury it contains. That’s it. Nothing more. It says nothing about the appropriateness of the analysis or whether the specimens were appropriately collected and representative of the compounds being analyzed. All it says is that, if you give Adams a sample of food, dog food, or a tissue specimen, he will be able to measure the content of elements in it to a certain standard of accuracy. Basically, Adams does a bit of prestidigitation here by conflating technical accuracy with the correctness of his scientific interpretation.

So on to Adams’ “results”:

Although we intend to conduct more tests on clots and blood samples, the data we see so far make it clear that these clots are not “blood clots.” They are not simply made of congealed blood.

How do we know this? Because the elemental ratios and densities are vastly different. Consider the following comparison chart, based on our ICP-MS results (see full results below), and notice the stark differences between the elemental concentrations in blood vs. clot among nutritive “marker” elements such as iron and magnesium:

ElementBlood ResultsClot Results
Mg (magnesium)35 ppm1.7 ppm
K (potassium)1893 ppm12.5 ppm
Fe (iron)462 ppm20.6 ppm
Zn (zinc)7.9 ppm2.4 ppm
Cl (chlorine)930,000 ppm290,000 ppm
P (phosphorous)1130 ppm4900 ppm

As you can see, the post-vaccine clot sample only contains 4.4% of the iron that would be seen in human blood. This alone is confirmation that this clots is not a “blood clot.” In addition, note the near-total lack of potassium (K) in the clot sample. The clot contains less than 0.6% of the potassium as human blood. It’s a similar story with magnesium, too.

Can anyone tell me where Adams went wrong in his assumptions and experimental design? Let’s assume for the moment (even though Adams doesn’t really deserve that consideration) that his numbers are totally accurate and that, for example, there is a lot less magnesium, potassium, and iron in the “clot” he analyzed compared to blood. First, if you know the basics of the clotting cascade and how clots form, you know that clots are not “congealed blood.” Think about it. What is the purpose of a clot? It’s to plug up holes in blood vessels and stop bleeding. To accomplish this, platelets stick to the damaged endothelium (the layer lining the insides of blood vessels), which activates them to release their contents, which then results in clotting. It’s a complex process that is described well enough in a Wikipedia entry, and for purposes of my discussion you don’t need to know the details, just the end result, which is the clot. Contrary to what Adams seems to think, a clot is not made up of “congealed blood,” but rather of mostly proteins, the bulk of which is fibrin, whose molecules are crosslinked to each other.

It is thus completely unsurprising that the elemental composition of a clot is different than blood. Iron is nearly all bound up in the hemoglobin in the red blood cells. Given that clots do not consist primarily of red blood cells, it is not in the least bit surprising that the clot examined would have a lot less iron in it. Similarly, most potassium in the body is sequestered inside of cells, including red blood cells. Given that a clot is not made up primarily of red blood cells and that the cells likely lysed (broke open) to release their potassium into the solution that was likely removed from the clot, it is not surprising that blood would have a lot more potassium in it. (I’ll elaborate on this later.)

So why did Adams use blood as his control comparator? It’s totally the wrong control, because a blood clot is not “congealed blood.” If Adams had the slightest clue about the basic biology and biochemistry of blood clotting, he would know that. (I concede, of course, that it is possible that Adams does know that clots are not just “congealed blood” but also knows that his readers do not. Adams is, if nothing else, the consummate grifter.) It wouldn’t have been that hard to draw blood from somebody—I suggest from Adams—and let the blood clot. It wouldn’t be the best control, as clots that form in tubes are not quite the same clots that form in the body, but it would be closer. Also, I have to point out yet again that the clots that Adams was examining in his previous misadventures in microscopy were almost certainly postmortem clots, not clots that formed while the person was still alive. I explained why then; so I won’t burden you with another explanation now.

There are a number of other problems, in no particular order, most (but not all) pretty obvious:

  • Did Hirschman have the family’s permission to use clots from their deceased loved one this way? If not, this “study” (such as it is) was totally unethical from the get-go. Also, arguably, such a study would require approval by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) because it uses human remains. Unfortunately, though, there is little leverage to enforce the requirement that Adams obtain IRB approval if he receives no government funding and isn’t applying for FDA approval for anything.
  • No clinical information about the decedent is provided. How old was the person? What did they die of? What medical comorbidities did they have? How long had they been dead when the samples were drawn? Had they even been vaccinated against COVID-19? Had they had COVID-19? Did they die of COVID-19?
  • When were the clots aspirated during the embalming process? After all, embalming fluid contains formalin and other chemicals, meaning that the clot analyzed could well be heavily contaminated with formalin, again making the use of blood as a control very problematic.

Another part of Adams’ “analysis” caught my eye:

In addition to the nutritive elements shown above, we noticed a peculiar pattern among electrically conductive elements such as sodium (Na), aluminum (Al) and tin (Sn). For the following table, please note that the tin and sodium results come from a separate “semiquant” report which is less accurate than the “fullquant” analysis used for all the other elements shown here. In essence, the semiquant numbers are accurate in terms of relative concentrations from one sample to the next, but they are not compared to calibrated external samples, so the actual (absolute) concentration reported does not have the confidence interval of the fullquant results:

ElementBlood ResultsClot Results
Na (sodium)1050 ppm*1500 ppm*
Sn (tin)163 ppb*942 ppb*
Al (aluminum)1.3 ppm1.6 ppm

* = SemiQuant results, not FullQuant

With sodium being nearly 50% higher in the clot, and tin showing an increase of 588%, we can only conclude that the self-assembling clot is, in effect, “harvesting” or concentrating certain elements from circulating blood as clot assembly is taking place. It is noteworthy that many of these elements are conductive. Aluminum, for example, is the most common alternative to copper for use in electrical wiring. Sodium is an alkali metal that is highly conductive, and tin is used as the primary component in solder alloys used to manufacture or repair circuit boards.

You can see the numbers on elemental conductivity at this electrical conductivity reference table from Angstrom Sciences.

One conclusion is inescapable: The clot is almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood (such as iron and potassium) yet shows significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry.

First, notice no statistical analysis is provided to demonstrate that the differences in metal levels shown are actually statistically significantly different. For example, is 1.6 ppm statistically significantly different from 1.3 ppm in this analysis? Who knows? Also, what’s up with the higher level of tin (Sn)? Granted 942 ppb is basically roughly 1 ppm, but where did the extra tin come from in the clot results? This is where sample harvest and preparation comes in. For example, what else, besides formalin, is in embalming fluid? Typically, embalming fluid contains a mixture of formaldehydeglutaraldehydemethanol, and other solvents. However, because embalming fluid is used on dead people, these chemicals do not have to be medical grade and can easily contain contaminants.

Now let’s look at how Adams prepares his clot specimens:

If anything, the ICP-MS analysis is rather straightforward: Samples are “digested” into nitric acid, this acid is nebulized into a liquid stream which goes through a plasma torch, gets ionized and then directed through a quadrupole assembly that sorts the elements by their mass-to-charge ratios. Each individual element is scanned and counted on a PMT (Photo Multiplier Tube) which translates individual elements into electrical current that can be accurately counted. These results are mapped against external standards which are NIST traceable to provide very accurate calibration curves, which means the quantitation data are extremely reliable.

I will say right here that it is unclear to me whether Adams prepared his blood samples in the same manner, but if he did I would very much expect that it would have destroyed all the red and white blood cells (as intended) and released all the potassium contained in them into solution; that alone could easily explain the results that Adams reports for potassium content. In addition, one has to wonder whether Adams ever compared the mass spectrometry results of his specimens to blanks of just the nitric acid solution that he used to digest the specimens. I’d like to think so, but then this is Mike Adams, and, after all, commercially available nitric acid contains more than just nitric acid; the acid solution itself contains trace metals. Moreover, there is significant variation in results that can be seen with various methods of digestion that use nitric acid, as this paper shows. Come to think of it, is the water in Adams’ lab adequately distilled and deionized? Does he use Millipore-filtered water?

Inquiring minds want to know! Unfortunately, nowhere does Adams provide the necessary information to judge his methods.

Again, though, let’s assume, for the sake of this discussion, that Adams’ determinations of the amount of various minerals in the specimens that he subjected to ICP-MS are accurate? Again, so what? Blood was the wrong comparator, and we don’t even know if the decedent from whom the clot specimen analyzed was removed had even been vaccinated against COVID-19. Add to that his utter cluelessness with respect to his previous light microscopy analyses of the clot, particularly his failure to realize that what he was examining consisted almost certainly not of clots that had formed before death but rather the normal clots that form after the blood stops circulating after death, and this analysis is just plain ridiculous.

Even more ridiculous is Adams’ conclusion, which made me laugh out loud when I read it:

This analysis, notably, does not answer any question of whether these clots are “alive” or dead (like hair and nails). My own professional opinion is that these clots are not living structures. They appear to be self-assembling dead biostructures, from what we can see so far. But that’s just an initial assessment and may change with additional observations or findings. Prions, for example, are self-assembling but non-living biostructures too. They are essentially mis-folded proteins that spread throughout the brain (or other regions), causing morphological alterations that nullify both the normal structure and function of neurological cells. Something does not have to be alive in order to be self-assembling. Even viruses, as described by traditional virology, are dead structures which are nevertheless self-assembling and can “grow” in size and mass in terms of their aggregate population.

Unsurprisingly, antivaxxers have falsely tried to claim that COVID-19 vaccines cause prion disease. As for the analogy to viruses, let me just point out that viruses do not really self-assemble. Rather, they hijack the machinery of living cells in order to force the cell to use its machinery to replicate the genetic material of the virus and use that genetic material to produce the proteins that assemble to make the virus. Viruses will not replicate absent living cells to infect. Adams goes on to present microscopic images of the clot, repeating his ridiculous misinterpretation of what he sees as “not a hair” but a “wire-like” structure, as he did previously.

I do like his invitation, though:

Feel free to share these results, incorporate them into your own videos or podcasts, and offer your own explanations for what might explain this apparent anomaly. Please give credit to as the source, as we conducted this exclusive analysis in order to help resolve the mystery of these clots that seem to be killing a large number of people.

Done, done, and done. With pleasure. I rather suspect, though, that my sharing these results, incorporating them into my blog, and offering my own explanations for what might explain Adams’ observations (incompetence and inability to choose proper controls and comparators) were what Adams had in mind.

Adams also writes:

We welcome any feedback on these results, including corrections if any errors are found.

Again, somehow I doubt that Adams will be too welcoming of my feedback, given that the only feedback that I can offer is that his microscopic analysis is risibly incompetent, as is his MS-ICP analysis, an incompetence only surpassed by his interpretation of his results. Either that, or he knows and is lying. As is the case with a grifter like Mike Adams, it could be either or even both, but I lean more towards the latter: He knows what he’s doing is scientifically untenable, but he also knows that his audience doesn’t know it. Just read the comments, if you don’t believe me, like this one:

Strange. If “dead matter” forms non-blood clots… that’s genocidal. People will die from it. The clot is a mutation. It’s not a blood clot but rather a mutation ~ a mutant clot of “dead matter”. I would categorize it as a form of blood cancer. Because it’s an unnatural substance growing in the blood. That’s genocidal ~ a vaccine induced novel blood cancer.

This is basically science word salad or, as I like to call it, “biobabble,” a word I coined based on “technobabble,” a term used to describe sciencey-sounding dialogue in Star Trek that doesn’t actually make any sense.

Also read this one, which made me laugh out loud:

I can see a convergence here. Would be interesting to see an experiment conducted where elements found, no so much in quantity, more in ratio to each other, where Na, Al, Sn, are subjected to 5GHz spectrum shifts. Of particular interest, 26GHz to 30GHz (blood plasma affected), and 60GHz (oxygen atom gets severely affected). Distances of <1M (bluetooth level mV, cell ph. usage), 10, 30, 100 metres. If you find these external influences triggering the coagulation of these an other elements already present in humans, we may have hit the jackpot. It is too much of a coincidence the concentration of “vaccine” deaths to, not just 5G zones, but areas of high wi-fi and microwave exposure.

5G…it had to be…5G.

I just knew 5G had to be involved somehow. Maybe the reason tin levels were elevated in the clots examined was to provide raw material for all the tinfoil hats that clearly need to be made. Those self-assembling biostructures know Mike Adams’ audience.

By Orac

Orac is the nom de blog of a humble surgeon/scientist who has an ego just big enough to delude himself that someone, somewhere might actually give a rodent's posterior about his copious verbal meanderings, but just barely small enough to admit to himself that few probably will. That surgeon is otherwise known as David Gorski.

That this particular surgeon has chosen his nom de blog based on a rather cranky and arrogant computer shaped like a clear box of blinking lights that he originally encountered when he became a fan of a 35 year old British SF television show whose special effects were renowned for their BBC/Doctor Who-style low budget look, but whose stories nonetheless resulted in some of the best, most innovative science fiction ever televised, should tell you nearly all that you need to know about Orac. (That, and the length of the preceding sentence.)

DISCLAIMER:: The various written meanderings here are the opinions of Orac and Orac alone, written on his own time. They should never be construed as representing the opinions of any other person or entity, especially Orac's cancer center, department of surgery, medical school, or university. Also note that Orac is nonpartisan; he is more than willing to criticize the statements of anyone, regardless of of political leanings, if that anyone advocates pseudoscience or quackery. Finally, medical commentary is not to be construed in any way as medical advice.

To contact Orac: [email protected]

41 replies on “Clot nonsense weaponized against COVID-19 vaccines”

IRB approval for obtaining these specimens may be difficult to enforce in this setting, but if the embalmer did not have permission from the next of kin to obtain those specimens, his license is at risk.

It would be interesting to see what happened if someone in that state filed a complaint with the appropriate regulatory agency.

Yeah, we would not want people telling the TRUTH about what they are SEEING so it is best of they lose their license. Good plan.

The privacy of the people involved is an important interest. If the embalmer violated it without permission, there should be consequences.

We can’t have access on demand to the medical records of people claiming vaccine injuries, even if we think their stories are suspect, because they deserve privacy, and anti-vaccine activists don’t get to have access on demand to people’s medical records or remains just because they want to use them as anti-vaccine propaganda.

A halfway competent analysis would have involved measuring the chemical composition of numerous genuine clot samples (assuming NN had a way of getting them from sources other than a random undertaker), obtained from both vaccinated and non-vaccinated persons and screened to eliminate the possibility of contamination from chemicals used in embalming. Similarly, assays of blood from a diverse sampling of individuals would have been a lot more useful in establishing a baseline of elemental composition to compare to the clot samples.

Even then, as noted by Orac, there are significant morphological differences between clots and liquid blood that make such comparisons foolish to begin with.

As always, sorting out and choosing between ignorance, incompetence and deliberate deception on the part of NN is difficult. In this case it looks like Mike Adams hit the trifecta.

Base rate fallacy deserves some recognition as one of the fallacies of the decade

why he gram stained the clots instead of staining them with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)

Well, you know, bacteria change into yeasts which change into fungi which change into cancer cells. Or something. So of course you could stain cancer cells using a stain technique meant to color the outer lipopolysaccharide wall of bacteria.
OK, I have to stop writing this nonsense, I’m about to get a brain hernia.

IIRC, eosin could be used as a background stain for the Gram staining technique. Maybe Adams just grabbed the wrong second dye vial. Or the wrong protocol.
Or someone conned Adams into buying the wrong staining kit.

Aluminum, for example, is the most common alternative to copper for use in electrical wiring. Sodium is an alkali metal that is highly conductive, and tin is used as the primary component

Is… Adams claiming that his nitric acid managed to dissolve solid sodium? And that we have solid metallic sodium in our very watery bodies? He failed to report that his clots were ablaze? (hint: metallic sodium + water = kaboom)
Or is it that these nanobots are using some saline solution as, what? Internal blood? They are powered by an alcaline AAA battery?

Aluminium and tin are quite common as oxides in dust. Or as metal used, well about everywhere by humans. Including to build laboratories and the equipment in them. I would like to see some control samples. Especially for so small amounts.
Actually, even us humans carry a bit of these metals in our bodies. Again, dust (ingested). Or aluminium cookware. Or aluminium oxides in vaccines. (I’m surprised Adams didn’t trot that old one out)
But to go back to sodium. Adams is all concerned about potassium salts, which are the most abundant ions in our cells, but fails to remember that sodium salts are the equally most abundant ions in our lymph and blood?
Never heard of the sodium/potassium pumps stuck in all living cells’ membranes?

It’s either truly epic levels of cargo cult science or epic levels of pulling the wool over his customers’ eyes.

“Is… Adams claiming that his nitric acid managed to dissolve solid sodium? And that we have solid metallic sodium in our very watery bodies? He failed to report that his clots were ablaze? (hint: metallic sodium + water = kaboom)”
Adams actually claimed something like that when he started the digestion work. He said there was a violent reaction with nitric acid which he attributed to the clot’s unique composition. It was actually a reaction of nitric acid and the isopropyl alcohol the clot had been stored in. Oops!

How did I miss this one. As a chemistry major, even I remember that nitric acid can react violently with certain alcohols.😂

When Mike got a critique about why there was a violent reaction, similar to what Peter Spencer said, he became rather irate and insulted the critic. It couldn’t possibly be alcohol!

You only get kaboom from putting sodium in water if there is enough sodium to produce enough hydrogen and heat as the sodium reacts with the water to make sodium hydroxide and hydrogen. A small piece of sodium dropped on water will likely just skip around the surface for a few seconds.

Which reminds me – I still haven’t tried putting turpentine on iodine crystals. That’s fairly spectacular.

Re: metal sodium and water. Yeah, bit of hyperbole on my part.

To my defense, I was not thinking of the samples, but more about, in the first place, of the chance of survivability of specks of metal sodium in our 70%+ watery human bodies.

Maybe Adams just grabbed the wrong second dye vial.

More likely it could be the only one he has. His lab doesn’t look that well set up with reagents.

”Maybe Adams just grabbed the wrong second dye vial.”

Meh. Mikey could use food colorings and his audience wouldn’t care. It’s all performative. A conspiracy of marks.

I am rather mystified where the tin might have come from, however … Tin plating is very common on steel food cans. Some cans, especially types used for solvents, have joints soldered with tin-bearing alloys. I think aluminum foil has replaced tin foil for the inner liner of screw caps for things like scintillation vials and some solvent bottles, but I’m not certain of that.

I wouldn’t trust an undertaker to collect specimens of any sort that could be regarded as “clean” in any chemical sense.

I once bought some autosampler vials on Amazon (for pre-measured small amounts of a chlorinated organic solvent – they had PTFE liners in the caps). I discovered Mike Adams had left a review of them. They were put up with the vials nicely arranged in box, open ends up. The caps were in a bag. It made me wonder just how clean and free of dust they would be if not carefully washed immediately prior to use. With the ubiquity of aluminum, I’d expect dust to contain rather a lot with a lot of variation from particle to particle. And of course the crimp rings on sample vials larger than a couple of millilitres are universally made of aluminum.

This is pure speculation, but perhaps the tin is leeching into their scalps from their hats.

I don’t know, one of my first thoughts on Tin was toothpaste. Crest toothpaste used (and some variants still use) what they called Fluoristan (Stannous Fluoride) as its active ingredient. Maybe Mike was using an old toothbrush to clean out tubes?

Sure, probably not, but this sort of thing is precisely why anybody doing work like this needs to be very precise about what they’re doing and document the preparation steps exactly.

I saw Orac’s post just now and thought, “hey, this one’s right up my alley.” I’ve been doing biological mass spectrometry for about 30 years now. We have a dozen or so MS instruments in my lab. Depending upon how they’re used, these instruments can identify the molecular components (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates) within a sample and analyze the structural composition, amino acid sequences and folding of both proteins and nucleic acids. They can do these things on samples containing a single purified protein or something containing a mixture of thousands of macromolecules.

So, yeah, my instruments could absolutely differentiate a sample of clotted blood from something else. My lab mostly uses them for screening for new drugs, analyzing effects of drugs upon protein structure, and looking into effects of drugs upon metabolism. You’ll see the same instruments in commercial drug testing labs, looking for banned substances in samples from athletes. A new use is to identify the species of extinct animals. A friend of mine had fun identifying fake paintings for a local museum.

Anyway, the thing is, not one of my instruments is an ICP-MS such as the one used by Mike here. ICP-MS is good primarily for analysis of elemental composition, including heavy metals–it can’t do the things I mentioned above. I’ve never encountered an ICP-MS in any biological research MS lab during my career, although I believe I saw one in a manufacturer’s demo lab once.

Sure—don’t get me wrong. ICP-MS is great for nutritional, environmental and toxicity studies, where knowing things like levels of lead and in serum and water is quite useful. Apparently, Mike got one to demonstrate his genius during the Flint water crisis of a few years back, as Orac described in an earlier post. Now he’s claiming that it proves something something about blot clots from dead people who were presumably vaccinated, or maybe not. I could elaborate at great length about the scientific deficiencies here, and provide scientific references about MS that would demonstrate Mike’s failures, but there’s no science involved in his work so why bother.

This is just an example of someone with a hammer who’s pretending that everything is a nail. Mike Adams is like a kid who boasts that he’s great at math. He has a piece of chalk and goes to the board to demonstrate his skill, and all he can do is drag his fingernails across the chalkboard. The reaction that I got from reading the NN article is the same as the one I would get from that sound.

I think one of Mike Adams’ first uses of his ICP-MS was to test his competitor’s supplements and declare them full of heavy metals.

Having used an ICP-MS, I had much the same thought as you. Why would you use it on biological samples, unless you were interested in elemental analysis?

As for Mike going on and on about his accreditation, it is meaningless if you don’t design and run your experiments correctly. Measuring junk accurately is not useful.

I watched the Friday Dr. Jane Ruby show with guest Mike Adams discussing the latest clot news. The title of the show was “Shocking: White Embalmer Clots are Self Assembling Circuits”. We were promised it would be “The mother of all truth bombs”, “Earth shattering”, contain “several bombshells” and would be “mind-blowing”. It was pretty much a run through of the main points in the Natural News article. They even showed the data table with chlorine in blood listed at 930,000 ppm (that’s 93%). Adams mentioned the clots might be used in conjunction with attacks by energy weapons. Due to their electrical activity the weapon would induce very high heat in the clot structures and cook blood vessels from the inside.
Adams ended his segment with a “bombshell” that he had done some ICP-MS testing of three vials of mRNA vaccines from different manufacturers. In one he found surprising levels of “industrial trace metals”. Details to come!

He knows a surprising amount about the secret energy weapons. I think a visit from the Persons in Black might be appropriate.

First, I’m grateful to Orac and the very knowledgeable commenters above taking this apart, since it’s interesting stuff and new to me.

Second, Is Adam’s saying that he’s offering paid analyses of products in this lab? Do you think any of the relatives of these people paid him to do this… analysis?

Or the original doctor that started the rumors?

I can’t tell whether anyone paid, but Adams states it was Jane Ruby who connected him with Richard Hirschman. So maybe Hirschman instigated the idea of an analysis, or more likely it was Ruby. After all, she is a big promoter of the idea that the COVID-19 vaccines are “over 99%” graphene oxide. Hardly leaves any room for a solvent. No wonder my arm hurt.

Graphene oxide is, of course, some carbon oxide. Graphene is a form (allotrope) of carbon, like diamond and graphite.

So graphene oxide is a gas? It should be CO. If it would be CO2, it would be graphene dioxide. In the end it is just carbonoxide, or carbondioxide, which are gasses. If the vaccines would be 99% carbonoxide, you would just have an empty looking vial.

Graphene oxide or hydroxide actually does exist. The name is rather misleading. Some oxygen atoms are bonded here and there (looks more or less randomly to me, but I haven’t put in the effort to learn the details) to the lattice of carbon atoms. It is a solid but dispersible in water.

Somewhere along the line I ran across comment form someone who had, iirc, done his PhD in matters graphene. He said that it doesn’t take much graphene in water to make the solution/dispersion obviously grey.

Carbon is some weird stuff. Alas my knowledge of chemics is leaving a bit to be desired, though I was very good at it in highshool.

I had chance yesterday to chat with a friend of my brother, who happens to be an undertaker. So I asked him if, when they take on a new client, the deceased were vaccinated or not. His reply was simply ‘wouldn’t have a clue’ . I would have thought that many, many more undertakers would ‘blow the whistle’ given how many there are and the fact that most have been maxed out over the pandemic, so just one?. On top of that, he said that ‘there is no way they would be allowed to give any bodily fluid to someone, even with families permission – kiss your business goodbye if you do’. So, the fact that Adams obtained samples, even with the family’s permission is a strict no no.

I wanted to comment on the previous post but got “nonce” a few times:

@ Dr Bacon:
I ran into the Mercola documentary at my hotel. True, nothing we didn’t already know or suspect- is marketing. No background on Erin Elizabeth. The Guy from CCDH spoke. Still, it’s a good intro on his woo for a general audience and will probably be seen by many viewers.

Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News Twitter ( @ unhealthy truth) reacts** to Mercola doc and hates NY ( “It’s empty!”) and CA..

Mikey’s latest docudrama:
about the ” globalist war on the elements of life” ( or “How I Learned to Stop Worrying About AGW by Calling It Something Else”)
CO2 is really your friend so why be afraid of its increase

More nonsense, this time from Del Bigtree:
( the latest Thursday, August 18)
After ridiculing Covid PH measures/ government officials, Del asserts that he ” was right all along” ( about 8 minutes in) when he said “Let’s all catch this cold!” ( June 2020- clip included) because NOW, that’s what experts are saying- all of the restrictions and guidance were for nought.
Without realising the MOST OBVIOUS error in his thinking- if we can indeed call what he does “thinking”.

Speaking of weaponizing nonsense, the latest from Steve Kirsch is a doozy. This might better belong in the p-hacking thread, but reviving that one doesn’t seem like a good idea.

Kirsch is barfing out a secondhand story from the “Conservative Warrior”, Wayne Root, about a podiatrist who claims to be seeing unprecedented rates of terrible medical afflictions among his elderly patients (it’s weird the complex diagnoses one can make simply by examining people’s feet). This podiatrist insists on remaining anonymous because, y’know, the Powers That Be will take away his license if the Truth is revealed. Kirsch is a believer.

“Wayne reports that the podiatrist sees unprecedented rates of injury and death since the vaccines rolled out. He estimates that 80% of his vaccinated elderly are worse off and there is no significant change for his unvaccinated patients.”

“This isn’t “bad luck” because the p-values are too small to be just “bad luck.” I used Julia’s HypothesisTests library to calculate it and the chance of this happening by bad luck is less than 1e-99. That is the power of a single anecdote. But there are likely hundreds of similar anecdotes with extremely strong p-values. Are they all wrong? It’s very unlikely especially when we aren’t able to find a single anecdote showing the opposite.”

Actually, my sister-in-law’s neighbor’s cousin runs a landscaping service, and he reports seeing lots of increased physical activity and other signs of glowing good health among his vaccinated clients, while the unvaccinated ones are collapsing and dying off rapidly. It’s true! The p-values prove it.

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