Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Andrew Wakefield dives into even more disrepute

It has now been nearly two months since Andrew Wakefield was forced to resign from Thoughtful House in the wake of his being found guilty of research misconduct by the British General Medical Council (GMC), the withdrawal of Wakefield’s infamous 1998 Lancet paper, and the withdrawal of Wakefield’s last grab at scientific credibility, his infamous […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

In which Orac does his part to increase awareness of homeopathy in honor of World Homeopathy Awareness Week, part 2

As I pointed out yesterday, World Homeopathy Awareness Week began yesterday. One common question that’s asked about homeopathy goes something like this: If homeopathy is just water, then what’s the harm? Here’s the harm: Part 1 Part 2 Homeopathy is magical thinking, far more religious or superstitious in nature than medical or scientific. And this […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Quackery Television

In which Orac does his part to increase awareness of homeopathy in honor of World Homeopathy Awareness Week

Today, April 10, is the first day of World Homeopathy Awareness Week (WHAW), or, as I like to call it, World Sympathetic Magic Awareness Week. Now, given my dim view of homeopathy, in which I view it as nothing more than, well, sympathetic magic, you’d think I wouldn’t want people to pay attention to WHAW. […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The annals of quackademic medicine: Testing chiropractic in pregnancy

Is chiropractic woo? I’m often asked that question, and my answer has usually been something along the lines of, “It depends on what it is used for.” Of course, there’s no doubt that the “theory” behind chiropractic, namely that so-called “subluxations” of the spine are the source of nearly all disease, is a load of […]


The room that makes the media… (The 134th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle)

A fortnight ain’t what it used to be. Or at least so it seems. After all, another Skeptics’ Circle has appeared yet again, as if by homeopathic magic, to grace the blogosophere with another ode to skepticism and critical thinking. This time around, the 134th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle has appeared at Divisible by […]