Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

Homeopathic plutonium? Now there’s a hot time in the old town tonight!

In keeping with Homeopathy Awareness Week (which still runs until June 21), I can’t resist commenting on this gem of a story that was sent to me the other day. I mean, we’re talking super duper heaving shopping in the very heart of London. It turns out that the Helios Homeopathy Shop right in Covent […]

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

The Onion says: Vaccine rejectors put kids at risk

When it comes to antivaccinationists, The Onion, as for most things, nails it. Don’t vaccinate not because science shows no link between vaccines and autism but rather because, you know, Jenny McCarthy has some really convincing anecdotes. When antivaccine loons are the butt of jokes on The Onion saying that they’re endangering children, they should […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

More anti-vaccine nonsense from an old friend on (where else?) The Huffington Post

Here we go again. You may have noticed that I’ve been laying off that repository of quackery, autism pseudoscience, and anti-vaccine nonsense, The Huffington Post. I assure you, it’s not because things have gotten much better there. Oh, sure, occasionally someone will try to post something resembling science and rationality, but it’s impossible for so […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Academia: Slowing down the search for cures? Other voices

On Friday, I expressed my irritation at the misunderstanding of science by NEWSWEEK’s science columnist Sharon Begley, in which she opines that it is those nasty basic scientists who insist on learning new science and new physiological mechanisms of disease that are devaluing translational and clinical research, in effect ghettoizing them in low impact journals, […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Danny Hauser’s doing well, and (as usual) Mike Adams is going off the deep end

Last month, a frequent topic of this blog was the case of Daniel Hauser, the 13-year-old boy from Minnesota with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who made the national news for his refusal (and his mother’s support of that refusal) to undergo a second round of chemotherapy. Instead, he wanted to pursue “natural” therapy, including what sounded like […]