History Humor World War II

The Real Estate Downfall

Downfall was a great movie, arguably the greatest movie about Adolf Hitler’s final days ever made. However, it contains one scene, one incredibly powerful scene, where aides bring Hitler news that the last defenses had fallen, that the divisions that Hitler thought he had no longer existed, and that the forces that were trying to […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Politics

Say it ain’t so, Barack! Again.

I realize that I made perhaps the biggest splash I’ve made on this blog in a very, very long time when I wrote about the news reports and rumors that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was being seriously considered for a high ranking post in the new Obama Administration. Fortunately, this is not yet another post […]

Bioethics Medicine Religion

Brain death and fundamentalist religion, revisited

Yesterday, I wrote about the sad case of Motl Brody, a 12-year-old Orthodox Jew whose brain tumor had rendered him brain dead and whose parents are fighting the efforts of the hospital to disconnect him from the ventilator and to stop all the powerful cardiac drugs that are keeping his heart beating and his blood […]

Biology Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Entertainment/culture Evolution Intelligent design/creationism Medicine Movies Politics Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The (not-so-)Beautiful (un)Truth: The “alternative” medicine movement gets an Expelled! to call its very own

The things I do for my readers. I’m referring to a movie entitled The Beautiful Truth, links to whose website and trailers several of you have e-mailed to me over the last couple of weeks. Maybe it’s because the movie is only showing in New York and Los Angeles and hasn’t made it out of […]

Bioethics Medicine Religion

Brain death and fundamentalist religion

I realize that the title of this post might sound as though I’m equating brain death and fundamentalist religion. As tempting as it is sometimes to do so, I’m not. What I’m more interested in is a story I came across by way of ScienceBlogs Big Kahuna blogger P.Z. Myers last night, mainly because it […]