Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Be afraid, be very afraid

So there I was, wandering through the exhibit hall at AACR when I came across the National Cancer Institute booth. The NCI has a booth at AACR and ASCO every year, and this year is no different. As I do most years, I wandered through the booth to see if there was anything that caught […]

Anti-Semitism Biology Entertainment/culture History Holocaust Holocaust denial Intelligent design/creationism Movies Pseudoscience

Darwinism leads to anti-Semitism? Or, the commonality of denialist tactics

Well, I’m here in sunny San Diego and about to head on over to the convention center to check out the day’s festivities and to make sure to check out a friend’s poster this morning. (If anyone reading this is attending AACR, you might recognize me by the Plexiglass box full of multi-colored blinking lights […]

Cancer Medicine

I’m leaving on a jet plane…

…I don’t know when I’ll be back again. Well, actually, I do. I’ll be back Wednesday night. But as you read this I should be in the air and on my way to sunny San Diego to attend the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research. It’s a big one, too. Around 12,000-15,000 […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine Quackery Skepticism/critical thinking

Your Friday Dose of Woo: What is an “altie”? (2008 edition)

It’s that time of year again. Actually, it’s well over a month past that time of year. Long-timers may remember that, near the very beginning of my old Blogger blog over three years ago, I did a post entitled What is an altie? It was basically a Jeff Foxworthy-like listing of “You just might be […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Medicine Quackery

The cult of antivaccinationism

Whenever I’m looking at fringe scientific claims, I’m always on the lookout for things that help me conclude whether I’m looking at “legitimate” fringe ideas or pseudoscience and woo. One observation that I’ve found helpful in leading me in one direction or the other is to look for certain dead giveaways that what we’re looking […]