Cancer Medicine Personal

Turn off your damned phone!

I love my iPhone. I really do. There is, however, one thing I don’t like about it, a characteristic that (or so I’ve learned) the iPhone shares with many other “smart” phones, and that’s its annoying tendency to interfere with poorly shielded electronic devices. The phenomenon, known as radiofrequency interference, manifests itself as hysterical bursts […]

Science Skepticism/critical thinking

A teenager doesn’t believe global warming science? I’m supposed to be impressed by this?

A certain truly badly done story is making its way through the skeptical blogosphere. It’s a story that NPR did about a certain teenager who has decided that she doesn’t believe the science behind global warming and has published a website to “debunk” it. What’s bad about the story is not that a teenager decided […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

In a fog and from a distance, Orac sees his hometown invaded

Regular readers may have noticed that the usual prodigious amount of verbiage has fallen off a bit over the last few days. That’s just because I’ve been very busy and not always around a reliable Internet connection. In some ways, I almost like the way I’ve been forced to write a bit better in that […]

Biology Entertainment/culture Intelligent design/creationism Movies Pseudoscience Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Expelled Exposed: A resource to counter Ben Stein’s vile and despicable crapfest

As you may know, Ben Stein’s execrable crapfest of a movie, Expelled!: No Intelligence Allowed, slimes its way into theatres on Friday. From my perspective, the biggest, most vile lie pushed by Ben Stein and produce Mark Mathis is that it’s a direct line from their hated “Darwinism” to the Holocaust, as I’ve pointed out […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

Scientific medicine denialism: A brief (by Orac standards) proposal

Between sessions here at the AACR meeting, I started thinking. (I realize that’s often a dangerous thing to do, but sometimes I can’t help myself.) What I was thinking about was my annual bit of “fluff with a bite,” the 2008 edition of “What is an altie?” Why, I don’t know, but I was. Then, […]