Humor Medicine News of the Weird Religion

I never saw a vending machine like that before

While wandering through the medical center last week, I came across a rather unusual vending machine, one quite unlike any that I had ever seen before. It definitely hadn’t been there the week before, but there it was now, around the corner from the hospital cafeteria: Perfect if you’re on call and feel the need […]

Clinical trials Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Science Skepticism/critical thinking

The cranks pile on John Ioannidis’ work on the reliability of science

Pity poor John Ioannidis. The man does provocative work about the reliability of scientific studies as published in the peer-reviewed literature, and his reward for trying to point out shortcomings in how we as scientists and clinical researchers do studies and evaluate evidence is to be turned into an icon for cranks and advocates of […]

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine

Why you should be vaccinated

ERV explains: Vaccines strengthen superpowers. Take that, Jenny McCarthy!

Cancer Entertainment/culture Humor Medicine Music

World’s worst album cover?

Believe it or not, this post is related, albeit somewhat tangentially, to my area of expertise, breast cancer. It’s also related to one of my great loves in life, namely loud, obnoxious rock and roll. Unfortunately, it involves bad art and an album cover so puzzling that, even when considering the source, I have a […]

Medicine Surgery

One reason I don’t do general surgery anymore

Two words: Necrotizing pancreatitis. There’s nothing like repeated trips to the operating room to scoop out bits of dead pancreas, trips sometimes so frequent that we leave the abdomen open to facilitate repeat visits, in patients who are about as sick as any patient you’ll ever see. There are few, if any, problems in general […]