
Couples who would do well not to hyphenate their names upon getting married

Some of these are hilarious, and, no, it wouldn’t be a good idea for these couples to do the hyphenated name thing. If you have any more real life examples, post ’em in the comments for the amusement of all! (Via Advice Goddess, who should know that less than two weeks ago I stayed at […]

Humor Politics

Seen at the local Barnes & Noble Bookstore last night…part 2

Here’s another item I saw at the local Barnes & Noble last night. I almost bought this calendar, so amused was I by it. In retrospect, maybe I should have bought it. I don’t recall ever seeing a calendar like this before. Not for Bill Clinton, and not for Ronald Reagan. It’s a testament to […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

Seen at the local Barnes & Noble Bookstore last night…

I think the title says it all. Perfect! Whoever wrote the book sure knows her potential readers!

Entertainment/culture Music

Detroit Rock City

It’s Saturday afternoon, time for a break from science as I attack the disaster that is our backyard. In the meantime, let’s rock out for a few minutes: I’m not a huge KISS fan, but the above song is the absolutely best song that KISS ever did in their entire career–and it’s an ode to […]

Humor Medicine News of the Weird Science

How can I get a research project like this one going? (Or Saturday strange and fun science)

Science and medicine are beautiful things. The range of knowledge and research that can be encompassed under their rubric is truly astounding. Indeed, some scientists have all the luck. Some scientists seem to have all the luck. Some scientists seem able to latch onto the best projects: London, England (CNS) – There is one scientist […]