Announcements Skepticism/critical thinking

The 65th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle: Take a tour through the museum

The 65th Meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle has been posted by Steve Novella over at his Neurologica Blog: The room was filled with that odd combination of excitement, interest and restlessness that accompanies children forced to walk through a museum. “Quiet down,” said Ms. Trueblood for the hundredth time. As experienced as she was a […]

Cancer Clinical trials Medicine Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

One last puff of smoke over Helena, MT

Little did I know when I posted my first article on the evidence supporting health hazards due to secondhand smoke that it would end up dominating the comments of this blog for three full days and lead me to a site that’s so full of pseudoscience, logical fallacies, and just plain B.S. that it is […]

Anti-Semitism Humor

Iran Busts Zionist Squirrel Spy Ring

In a story that needs no embellishment, the Iranian state news agency, IRNA, is reporting that fourteen “spy squirrels” were captured infiltrating Iran. According to IRNA: “In recent weeks, intelligence operatives have arrested 14 squirrels within Iran’s borders. The squirrels were carrying spy gear of foreign agencies, and were stopped before they could act, thanks […]

Cancer Medicine Politics Science

Mark takes on the smoking cranks

The other day, in the course of posting about some deceptive quote-mining by someone who doesn’t accept the science indicating that secondhand smoke is a health danger, I referenced the uber-crank of crank websites,, a website so cranky that it denies not just health dangers from secondhand smoke, but rather that even smoking causes […]

Cancer Evolution Medicine Science

I thought only Dr. Egnor wrote tripe like this about evolution and medicine

I really shouldn’t do it. I really shouldn’t go perusing the blog of the house organ of the Discovery Institute’s propaganda arm, Evolution News & Views, as I did yesterday. I’m not as young as I used to be, have a family history of cardiovascular disease, and am not in the greatest of shape. Reading […]