Medicine Politics Science

Fear of the frame, part II: A cultural divide

I remain confused. Yes, I know that people who don’t like me very much or at least don’t like the message that I lay down here day in, day out, week in, week out probably aren’t surprised at this startling admission, but I don’t mean it in a general fashion (although no doubt those aforementioned […]


Hero at Virginia Tech: A Holocaust survivor

The horror that consumed Virginia Tech on Monday produced an unexpected hero: Professor Liviu Librescu, who gave his life to save some of his students: In Monday morning’s lecture on solid mechanics, all was quiet except for the sound of Professor Liviu Librescu’s voice. Then came the gunshots — in the classroom next door. In […]


Spider Monkeys Use Cologne

Researchers in Mexico have documented wild spider monkeys rubbing themselves with fragrant, chewed up leaves. Though the exact purpose of this behavior is yet to be proven, it appears as if the scents “may play a role int he context of social communication, possibly for signaling of social status or to increase sexual attractiveness,” according […]

Medicine Science

Biomedical researchers at medical schools: Free-lance used car salesmen? Or: Show me the money!

From fellow ScienceBlogger Abel, I’m made aware of an excellent post on the Health Care Renewal Blog about the financial reality of being an academic physician in a modern U.S. medical school. It’s an excellent overview of how medical schools view clinical faculty as, in essence, cash cows that have to bring in the cash […]

Politics Religion

Contemptible ghoul #2: Evolution and atheism are to blame for the school shootings at Virginia Tech?

PZ Myers has identified contemptible ghoul #1, Debbie Schlussel, who has decided that it must have been a Muslim terrorist who carried out the horrific school shooting today at Virginia Tech (and is now backing off as more information comes out, as she claims that students should have been allowed to have guns on campus). […]