Music Science

Putting things in perspective

This rather puts one’s life and place in the universe in perspective, doesn’t it?

Complementary and alternative medicine Friday Woo Medicine

Your Friday Dose of Woo: I need this like I need a hole in the head

This week sucked. OK, it was the last two or three days that sucked, but they were bad enough to ruin the whole week. The only reason my blogging didn’t reflect this is because most of the posts over the last couple of days were actually written earlier this week, and the true magnitude of […]

News of the Weird

It’s that time of year again: Santarchy

Too bad I can’t make it back to Detroit this weekend. In fact, it’s worse than that; I’m on call. Why? Because Saturday is Santarchy night. Basically a bunch of people dress up like Santa and go barhopping. Much drinking and debauchery ensue. If you happen to live in the Detroit area, here’s a little […]

History Religion

Pythons were the oldest gods?

Given the interest in questions of religion, faith, and atheism among so many of my fellow ScienceBloggers, I’m a bit surprised that none of them picked up on this interesting tidbit of a story: Pythons were probably the first idols to be worshipped by man, archaeologists said after unearthing evidence of a ritual dating back […]

Bioethics Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Alternative medicine and pediatric cancer

It appears that I’m even further behind in my reading than Abel Pharmboy, because he pointed me to a couple of articles in an issue of the Journal of Clinical Oncology that I haven’t even cracked open yet. It’s probably still sitting in the pile of journals on my desk that haven’t been touched yet […]