Anti-Semitism History Holocaust Holocaust denial Humor

Hilarious (and not so hilarious) takes on the Holocaust denial “conference” in Iran last week

First, check out The Daily Show‘s take on the Holocaust denial conference, with goodies like Revision Quest and Just Say No. It’s the show that characterizes the “question” being discussed at the conference as: Was the entire Holocaust an elaborate episode of Punk’d? Best line: David Duke, he’s like the Flock of Seagulls of hate. […]

History Holocaust denial Religion

Holocaust denial, religion, and ideology

We often hear atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and P. Z. Myers castigating the excesses and irrationality of religion. (Heck, I’m often game for joining in when it comes to fundamentalist religion.) While discussing the recent Holocaust denial conference in Iran, Massimo Pigliucci makes a good point when he argues that focusing on just […]

Blogging Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine

Happy belated blogiversary to Terra Sigillata

I must have fallen behind in my blog reading, which led me not to notice that Abel Pharmboy over at Terra Sigillata just celebrated his first blogiversary on Friday. Here’s to another successful year of science blogging! If you want to get a taste of what Abel’s about, he just posted two good analyses of […]

Autism Biology Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Science

Pros and cons of chelation for lead exposure

Here’s an interesting little tidbit of a study: Newswise — Lead chelation therapy — a chemical treatment to remove lead from the body — can significantly reduce learning and behavioral problems that result from lead exposure, a Cornell study of young rats finds. However, in a further finding that has implications for the treatment of […]

Announcements Skepticism/critical thinking

The Skeptics’ Circle: Dedicated to Carl Sagan

Yes, I know that skepticism and Christmas don’t exactly mix. After all, most people, even highly skeptical and unreligious ones, tend to enjoy at least a few, if not many, of the myths that accompany the season, myths such as Santa Claus. But we won’t let that stop us from having a bit of skeptical […]