Antivaccine nonsense Medicine

Harlem Vaccine Forum: RFK Jr.’s fiasco of an attempt to court African-Americans

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reached out to the African-American Community in Harlem with his antivaccine message. It didn’t go so well. First, Rev. Al Sharpton, whose National Action Committee was going to host it, bailed due to negative publicity. Then RFK Jr. was kicked out of his venue during his speech because the event went way over time. RFK Jr.’s efforts do, however, show how white antivaxers are a danger to African-Americans and other minority communities through their active, albeit hamfisted, attempts to promote antivaccine misinformation to them.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. lays down even more antivax misinformation now that SB 276 has become law

SB 276 is now law, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is very unhappy, so much so that he’s laying down the antivax nonsense fast and furious. It’s particularly nonsensical, even for him.

Antivaccine nonsense Autism Bad science Medicine Skepticism/critical thinking

Vaccine holocaust: The wildest antivaccine conspiracy theory ever. It even has aliens!

Mike Adams made a video about the “vaccine holocaust.” It’s the wildest antivaccine conspiracy theory ever. It even has aliens, and there are people dropping dead in the streets like in “The Omega Man.” All it needs are mutants. Where’s Charlton Heston when you need him?

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Politics Skepticism/critical thinking

RFK Jr.: So antivaccine that even his family calls him out on it

RFK Jr. has been a frequent topic of this blog since 2005 because of his extreme antivaccine views. Now the Kennedy siblings have called him out for his antivax views, and it’s true. Junior dishonors Robert F. Kennedy’s legacy through his promotion of child-endangering antivaccine pseudoscience.