Mayim Bialik plays the neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler on the geek comedy The Big Bang Theory. Unfortunately, in real life, Bialik is nothing like her fictional character Amy. In fact, Bialik is heavily into the woo and antivaccine enough to have become a celebrity spokeswoman for the Holistic Moms Network. Say it ain’t so!
Tag: antivaccine
“The Greater Good” is what I like to call an antivaccine propaganda film masquerading as a documentary. And, yes, it’s full of antivaccine misinformation.
Mike Adams just produced “The God Within,” a film whose entire theme is that science is evil. Quelle surprise, coming from a crank like him!
Time and time again, anti-vaccine activists will piously and self-righteously tell those of us who criticize their pseudoscientific fear mongering, “I’m not anti-vaccine,” followed by something like, “I’m pro-vaccine safety,” “I’m a vaccine safety watchdog,” or “I’m pro-safe vaccine.” Nothing puts the lie to these denials better than looking at the sorts of things anti-vaccine […]
Over the last three weeks, the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has been publishing a multipart expose by investigative journalist Brian Deer that enumerated in detail the specifics of how a British gastroenterologist turned hero of the anti-vaccine movement had committed scientific fraud by falsifying key aspects of case reports that he used as the basis […]