Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Quackery

Celebrity “vegan cardiologist” Dr. Joel Kahn has become an antivaccine COVID-19 crank

Dr. Joel Kahn is a well-regarded “integrative” cardiologist. So why is he spreading COVID-19 and antivaccine disinformation on Twitter? Simple. “Integrative” medicine can be a “gateway” to antivaccine beliefs.

Medicine Quackery

The Cleveland Clinic publishes a study touting the benefits of the quackery known as “functional medicine”

The Cleveland Clinic has, unfortunately, embraced the quackery known as “functional medicine.” Now it’s publishing dubious studies touting it.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Pseudoscience Quackery Science Skepticism/critical thinking

Science denial: A form of conspiracy theory

Regular readers of this blog know that many forms of quackery and science denial have conspiracy theories associated with them, but a further examination suggests that all science denial a form of conspiracy theory. In the middle of a deadly pandemic, it is a form of conspiracy theory with potentially deadly consequences.

Antivaccine nonsense Bad science Medicine Pseudoscience

Scientific review articles as disinformation

Antivaxxers have always written dubious scientific review articles to try to make their wild speculations about vaccine science seem credible. Usually such articles wind up in bottom-feeding journals. Unfortunately a recent pseudo-review article was published by an Elsevier journal, making it seem more credible when it isn’t.

Antivaccine nonsense Medicine Politics

RFK Jr. “in his own words”: Fiercely antivax

An antivaxxer challenged her readers to judge RFK Jr. by his own words before deciding if he’s antivax. Challenge accepted. He’s antivax as hell.