Antivaccine nonsense Autism Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

The nonsense that is “Vaccine Injury Awareness Month”

Normally, these days I greet the month of October with a mixture of anticipation and dread. The anticipation stems from October’s position as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Now that somehow I’ve managed to have a variety of responsibilities with respect to how breast cancer is managed at our cancer institute, suddenly I find that I’m […]

Cancer Medicine

Oh, no, antiperspirants cause breast cancer! Well, not really…

As I’ve said before recently, I have mixed emotions regarding Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On the one hand, I look forward to it because it provides us with a pretext to get out science-based messages about breast cancer and to highlight a lot of the cool science that we do at our cancer center. On […]

Cancer Complementary and alternative medicine Quackery

An online summit of quackery

There’s a disturbance in the Force. Well, in the Dark Side of the Force, as in the Quack Side of Medicine. Basically, there’s a rumble in the quackosphere that reached me through three different quack mailing lists that I’m on for the purpose of gathering material for blogging, including–you guessed it–the mailing list of that […]

Antivaccine nonsense Complementary and alternative medicine Humor Medicine Quackery

Quacktion Figure™: Immortalize your favorite promoter of pseudoscience!

It’s a wonder no one ever thought of this before (at least, not to my knowledge), but Todd over at Harpocrates Speaks has. Over there today, what do we find? A Quacktion Figure™: Ever wanted to enjoy the adoration of tens of others? Had an idea for a new product to patent, but had pesky […]

Complementary and alternative medicine Medicine Quackery

“Consumer warnings” about Adya Clarity: Has Mike Adams had a sudden attack of conscience?

I’ve been blogging about alternative medicine for nearly seven years and writing about it, either on Usenet or in other forums for several years before. As a result, there are times when I start to think that maybe I’ve seen it all. And almost every time I start thinking that, I come across something that […]